Hydrocortisone + Pramoxine Forums

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I have been prescribed Pramoxine (Pramasone) for my dermatillomania (facial sores). I had been using the cream but the pharmacy gave me the ointment once. I prefer the cream. Also, the same pharmacy gave me Pramasone by Perrigo, even though I had been previously given Pramasone by Acella. I prefer the Acella version, but the pharm says they have no way of requesting one manufacturer's medication over another. My question is, What is the difference between these two manufacturer's versions of Pramoxine/Pramasone cream? ## Hello, Starria! How are you? They are just manufactured by different companies, which is very common with generics. The FDA classifies it as a topical anesthetic and lists its typical side effects as possibly including skin numbness, redness, dryness and irritat...

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