Hydrocodone Forums (Page 2)

Recently active Hydrocodone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Hydrocodone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Has Mallinckrodt Ph recently changed the inactive ingredients in the Hydrocodon-Acetaminophen 7.5-325. Have been on them in the past with no side effects but now I have various possible side effect. The tablet now appears to have a shiny coating on it which it did not appear to have in the past. ## Hello, Daveve! How are you? Not that I am aware of from the databases. What are you considering as possible side effects? More details would better enable me to help you. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## Hi. I have discovered I have an adverse reaction to Microcrystalline which is the coating in this manufactures med. I have to use a different Pharma that ...

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I've been on Hydrocodone 10/325 for 16 years. Last month my doctor dropped me to 7.5 after I told him the tens were no longer working. The doctor decided that he wanted to refer me to a pain management clinic. I'm from west virginia and I was wondering where I can receive subutex? I recently tried one and it helped greatly with my pain. ## Subutex is an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, it contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine. The FDA warns that it may also cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Ref: Subutex Information Since you are not an addict seeking treatment, then your best option is to go to pain management, as your doctor advised. They will be best equipped to help you, and many of them do p...

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hydrocodone 10 mg I was wondering if I can get a hydrocodone p prescription pill 10 mg without the acetaminophen or any other medications in it ## There is a new Hydrocodone only extended release medication, Zohydro ER. It comes in several mgs and 10 mg is one of the,. But, it is expended release and you only take 1 every 12 hrs. It is new and very expensive. Some insurance companies won't cover it due to the cost. ## The information BL provided is correct, Zohydro is a time released formulation of Hydrocodone by itself, with no other active ingredients. The FDA warns that Hydrocodone carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Ref: Zohydro Information Is there anything I can help with?

2 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking hydrocodone 10-325 (made by Watson) for about a year. I picked up my prescription yesterday and instead of the normal yellow pill, I received a white oblong pill imprinted with m367 on it. I took 2 for breakthrough pain and had no relief what-so-ever. I called the pharmacy and was told that they will no longer be able to get the med from Watson. Does anyone know what has happened? I have chronic pain, and these white ones from Amneal Pharmaceuticals is not going to cut it. Has anyone else experienced this? ## Hello, Dano! How are you? There's no way to know which manufacturer's product your pharmacy will carry at any given time. You might be better served to talk to your doctor about trying a different medication. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the po...

217 REPLIES Updated

i need to know how long does lortabs stay in your system i took 3 day before and 2 today my doctor gives them for my neck and back and im trying to get this job ## The active narcotic in Lortab is Hydrocodone and like most other narcotics, it is detectable for approximately 4 days, after taking it. The time frame, however, can vary from person to person, depending on many other factors. However, if you have a prescription for it, all you have to do is inform them of this, when you go in for testing. They can't deny you the use of legally prescribed medications, except in certain very rare instances, like for airline pilots. Good luck with the job! Are there any other questions or comments? ## I have too take a drug test for probation tommorow and if I pass I get off if I have drank ...

92 REPLIES Updated

My husband has a dislocated hip waiting to get in to the Ortho Dr. His primary Dr. Prescribed tramadol 50 mg 1 to 2 every 6 to. 8 hrs. & hydrocodone 10/325 1 at 4 times a day. I made him a schedule of: 2 tramadol every 6 hrs. 1 hydro every 3 hrs and every hour & 1/2 1/2 a hydro. Most the time he goes to bed by 9 to 9:30. On average he's taking 4 to 5 hydro per day and 6 tramadol per day. I also set my clock for 2 am to give him 2 tramadol so that when he gets up at 5:30 he's not in a excruciating pain. Then he takes a hydro & starts his schedule. Is this too much? We've never taken anything but an anti inflammatory. ## @SB, According to umm.edu, there are drug interactions between Tramadol and Hydrocodone. However this may not be a concern depending on how often ...

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White oblong with 126 on one side and blank on the other with an indented line across it on blank side ## hello i found a pill on the ground in my sons room and its sky blue half a cm in diameter and has a Z or a N on it on oneside and blank on the other ## This tablet with the 126 contains 5mgs of Hydrocodone, and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. (NDC 68308-0221 ). It was available under the brand name Lorcet, but has been discontinued. Inactive Ingredients: - Croscarmellose Sodium - Crospovidone - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Povidones - Starch, Corn - Stearic Acid Anna, that sounds like it might be an over the counter medication. Has your son taken a dose of anything recently, such as Tylenol PM, or Advil PM?

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I would like to know if Hydroco/apap 10-500mg tablets are still good after a year and for how long they are good. ## Medications have an expiration (usually of 1 year) because by law it must have one. If you had these hydrocodone/apap pills in a dark, cool place such as a kitchen cabinet, bedroom drawer, etc. chances are still fine. Most pills are actually good for two years from the fill date as long as they are cared for properly. If you had them in the medicine chest in the bathroom, (a bad place for medication) then they may have lost some or all of their potency. When a medication like this one becomes older, it is not really dangerous to take it, rather it might have lost some of it narcotic and/or acetaminophen properties. DO NOT USE THIS RULE FOR EVERY MEDICATION ESPECIALLY FOR ...

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In Dec. 2015I got 120 Hydrocodone/10/325Acet. and 90 Tamazapam 30mg. I paid around $55. Today I only got the Hydrocodone and it was $81.00. I live in a small town and get my prescriptions filled for years at Brookshires grocery. What is happening? The clerk who has been there years didn't seem to know. I will have to ask my Dr. What a good replacement will be in over the counter meds. ## Patricia, all prescriptions are going up and so is everything else. It is a combination of things that are making the prices go up. With more people on Medicaid and receiving free prescriptions, someone has to pay for that, the cost of making the meds, the salary and insurance for the employees, pharmaceutical heads, rent, utilities, etc for the bulidings where the meds are made, etc. You might want...

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I took 2 7.5mg hydros monday at 11pm and had a urine test wednesday morning. I drank lots of liquids the day before and 3 hrs before the test. I peed a whole lot of times. Will I pass or fail the test? I weigh 200 lbs, 5ft 10" tall. I also have taken a urine cup measure test the month before and passed it 8 hrs after taking 2 hydros. ## i also wanna add that the drug test was taken ay 1130 am wed morning. ## I really can't say how the liquids and such would affect it, because there are many variables from person to person that also play a role in the detection time. However, I can tell you that the average time that Hydrocodone is detectable for most people is approximately 6 days, after last dosing. Learn more Hydrocodone details here. When do you get the results back? ## I am ...

7 REPLIES Updated

I have an oblong white tablet marked "Luchem 5". Is it a hydrocodone 5/500 mg? ## That is correct, the tablet marked LuChem 5 contains 5mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, the active ingredients in Vicodin, this is a narcotic pain reliever. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. ## What is a white oblong pill marked "Luchem 5" and what is it used for?

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I am taking hydrocodone for back pain. I have a prescription for the hydrocodone. Will I test positive on a dot drug screening? What will be the outcome? ## I'm taking hydrocodone for my pain and I tested positive at the dot drug test. Will I lose my CDL? ## How did you make out on your test?... I'm looking into getting my CDL, but i'm on Buprenorphine for pain management and from what i'm reading it's a crap-shoot! Seems like no-one cares if the dr. prescribed it or not, if you test positive you're done, which seems completely unfair to me, if you are under a doctors care and taking meds as prescribed? It's slanted towards alcohol which leaves your system pretty quickly compared to medications, that i want to add when taken like prescribed are keeping people...

4 REPLIES Updated

What is a white oblong pill with 44 175 on one side and blank on the other side? ## The tablet with the 44 175 marking is an over the counter product and does not contain Hydrocodone, nor any other type of narcotic. It contains 500mgs of Acetaminophen and is a generic, or store brand of Tylenol. Learn more Acetaminophen details here. National Drug Code: 50844-175 Product Labeler: L.n.k. International, Inc. Pill Size: 18mm Inactive Ingredients: -Hypromelloses -Povidones -Stearic Acid -Castor Oil -Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato Is there anything else I can help with? ## Acetaminophen / Tylenol ## Are these hydrocodone real with 44175 on one side and blank on the other? ## I have a white pill that says 44175 on one side with nothing on the other side ## What does a white oval shape...

14 REPLIES Updated

I'm recovering from my third back surgery. I can take hydrocodone/acetaminophen 10-325 mg tab with no stomach problems. However, when I take hydrocodone/acetaminophen 7.5-325mg tab Mallinc generic, I have severe stomach pains. The pharmacist says there is no difference except the 10 vs the 7.5. It is NOT in my mind, it's in my stomach & it really hurts. Can you clear this up for me? I will be very grateful for your attention. Thank you. ## Who manufactures the 10/325 tablet that you've taken? There can be differences in the inactive ingredients from one manufacturer to another and that can cause problems for some people that are sensitive. So, say for example that the 10/325 was manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals, the inactive ingredients could be completely differen...

28 REPLIES Updated

I live in RhodeIsland and was getting prescribed hydrocodone 10/325 100 every 20 days, my doctor cut me off. now i found another doctor and he`s prescribing me the same mg but 30 pills every 10 days and its not helping, I've tried talking to him and wants to put me on morphine or the patch i dont like them I feel like a zombie, and have 2 teenagers to take care of. does anyone know a doctor that would prescribe me the same medication and dose i was on. ## Hello, Mary! How are you? I'm sorry, but due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, there are limits on how much they can prescribe. The only exceptions are for patients with intractable pain due to a potentially fatal conditions, such as stage 4 cancer. Which patch did your doctor want you to try? There is mo...

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Anyone think this is just as effective as Vicodin and Watson etc? Thanks :) ## Not even close. My pain seems the same. I've taken two at a time and it's had no effect at all. ## Yes, I have really suffered in pain this month on tris pharma and will never try them again. My chiropractor is making a lot of money this month LOL more than his usual amount. I told my pharmacist and he said he will not order them next month. I actually have a science degree, and I looked up the background of Watson which is now owned by Teva pharmaceuticals (originally out of Israel) they seem top-notch! And they produce Watson. Thank you for your reply :-) ## Please correct me if I'm wrong Kitty, but didn't Watson acquire Actavis and change their name to 'Actavis'? (Re: actavis.co.id/...

17 REPLIES Updated

I started the 40 mg does of Viibryd about 3 weeks ago; I take it at night with supper. I have been prescribed Hydrocodone/acetam 10-325 mg for knee pain. I take the Hydrocodone as needed for pain, and I try to take it in the daytime away from the time I typically take the Viibryd. Question can I take the two together or should I keep taking them separately as I am doing. ## I didn't find any contraindications listed, so either way is likely fine, unless your doctor, or pharmacist instructs otherwise. However, taking them at the same time, or close together, may result in your experiencing more side effects than usual, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, sedation, dry mouth, headache, and mood changes. Ref: Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen and Viibryd in...

1 REPLY Updated

I was taking the Mallinckrodt hydrocodone-acetaminaphen 10-325. They were doing the job. My pharmacy ran out and was using Caraco hydrocodone-acetaminaphen 10-325. They were next to worthless for relief. What's the deal do you think? ## Hi Perry, Usually when you switch to another manufacturer's version of the same drug, the primary differences can be found in the list of "inactive" ingredients (which I personally don't believe are actually "inactive" as they say). To my understanding the various binders/fillers may account for how well you metabolize/absorb each active ingredient. Mallinckrodt's M367 (10/325) tablets reportedly contain the following set of inactive ingredients: crospovidone + magnesium stearate + microcrystalline cellulose + povidone + c...

2 REPLIES Updated

I have a prescription for the yellow norco 10 325. I've taken these for years and now I can't get them. The white ones does not help. I have Arthritis very bad and I really need to know who still carries them in the Mansfield, Arlington, Texas area. I'm 70 and these are the only ones that helps without me having to sleep my life away on the stronger pain meds that I have taken. I'm 70 so I'll probably be sleeping soon enough. SO in the mean time I would like to have my yellow norco 10 325 back. ## Hello, Della! How are you? The white ones with the NORCO 539 marking on them are the same as the yellow, it's just that the manufacturer has removed the dye from them. The yellow are no longer being made. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit...

68 REPLIES Updated

I took 4 hydrocodone at once, 3 days ago. How long does it take to get out of your system? ## I'm sorry, but anyone who is concerned about how fast a narcotic will be out of their system probably shouldn't have taken it in the first place. ## No one correct answer. It depends on your body size, physiology, the type of testing I'm assuming is being done. You should be safe after 80 hours. Maybe a little sooner. ## Hair tests can take longer... MUCH longer. ## 1 10mg hydro codone taken in a year. I hurt my back on the road so I took it at home on Sunday and don't be back to work to tuesday. Will a urine test show up anything. I'm not on pain meds. I just took one pill to ease up the pain. I just need to know whether or not it'll be enough left in my system to show ...

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