Hydrocodone - Not To Overdo It! (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was put on Hydrocodone for 3 years due to a stroke I had. My pain is coming from the brain. The PM'S started me off with 5-325. No results on the pain. Then they increased the dose 7.5-325. Some relief but not much in order to have a quality of life. Then they increased it to 10-325 90 per month. In the wee hours of the morning I would wake up with pain, so I was cutting one in half, leaving me short of pills for the month. So they increased it to 120. I got to where I was taking too many and the PM discharged me for a breach of contract.

Then I found another PM. Same thing happened, but this time instead of discharging me they put me on week to week basis - 21 pills a week. I had to visit the doctor's office once a week and then take the script to my pharmacy. Once I proved I could be trusted they now have had me on Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 10-325 (90 a month) for the past 3 months. I still have my moments but it's not like it was before. I asked for an increase to 20 a month but they say I need to prove to them. By the way, the pain is coming from the right arm and hand, no blood circulation. Do not want to lose this PM.

45 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: ED (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Pharmaceuticals Control what the doctors dispense. I was jumped from90 to 120. I then read that pharmaceuticals companys was controlling this. Now im without meds for severe pain because i was told i broke the contract.i was only on contract a year and now im out because the PM doctors prescribed these that i didnt ask for.i only wanted mild relief.now i cant sleep good and im tensed up.hope all the doctors got rich because this is a bunch of bull.

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Re: Peggy (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear what happened to you. You are correct about the companies not caring about people and are only trying to make as much money as possible. Today's world. My contract is that I can only get pain meds from my one pain doctor which is fine with me. He understands pain and wants to help. I got lucky finding this guy.

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Re: w john (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I have not had oxycontin in my body in 5 years now. So what I am [prescribed is new to my body and does work for me. I will say that oxycontin is a great pain reliever, but very addictive. When I was getting off oxycontin I was in a coma for 20 days. I was lucky because that is when I went through withdrawals which were horrific I was told.

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Re: w john (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

My dismissal was due to morphine showing up which like i said i never touched it unless i had surgery under a doctors order.i ask for a dimissal of results on my record and was denied .

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I hate that you're going through this. Where I live I get a hundred and twenty narcotics every 28 days. I haven't had any problems whatsoever at least yet. If you can't get your narcotics go on Suboxone and try it I've heard a lot of good things about suboxone. Check with your doctor. Good luck.

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