Hydrocodone Levels


I am going through a custody issue and this is pretty important. I was prescribed 15 5/500 hydrocodones to take as needed for pain in the evenings. I was really sick the week of the 11/26/12 - 11/30/12 and being in bed caused a flair up and I took 2 5/500s On the nights of the 11/27/12, 11/28/12, & 11/29/12. I also was prescribed Hydocan for my severe cough. And took that in the early morning hours at about 6am on the 30th I picked up my daughter from her father at 5pm the evening of the 30th & he asked me to take a uranalysis. It came back positive like it should have as I took my prescribed medicine, the levels were as follows: Hydrocodone 1142 ng/mL & Hydromorphone 447 ng/mL . He's now restricting my visitation with my daughter and says I took it before I picked up my daughter. My last dose was 11 hrs before picking her up which is reasonable to me because my doctor says wait 6 hours before driving. I took another urinalysis 6 days later on 12/06/12 and tested negative for all substances. He claims that the 1142 ng/mL was a high number, but I took as prescribed. Any thoughts and is that number high? Could me being sick and not eating much that week slow metabolism and create a large amount. I filed a petition to go to court on this matter because I only took it as prescribed and didn't take my meds then get behind the wheel & pick up my daughter. Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this matter.

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I do not take any hydrocodone ever, but I took a half of one (10/325) - will it show on a urine test? What is the detection time?

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Hi, I take 10/325 Hydrocodone 4x a day. My pharmacy shorted me 10 pills. I have a morning appointment in 3 days with my PM doc. So I have been rationing to make up for the miscount. I have enough for 2 1/2 days of my prescribed dosing. If I'm checked do you think I'll be ok? Not sure if I should just be up front with my doctor about shortage. He might not believe me. He probably hears that excuse all the time. Thank you for your opinion.

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