Hydrocodone + Ibuprofen Forums

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Is it ok to take 1 hydrocodone/acetaminophen 7.5-750mg tablet and 1 ibuprofen 600mg at the same time? ## Hi Andre, Based on my research there are no drug interactions found between Vicodin (acetaminophen + hydrocodone) and Ibuprofen. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist, but my sources state that every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate. Because I am not a doctor the most I can tell you is that, based on what I've read, these two medications are regarded as being safe to take together and shouldn't present any problems outside of the normal side effects associated with each medication. I hope this helps to answer your question! ## You can, but it shouldn't be done for long periods of time and your kidney function should b...

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