Hydrocodone Generics (Top voted first)


I was prescribed hydrocodone for a pinched nerve in my neck. I will have to take it awhile because my health insurance is insisting I undergo less invasive treatment before having the surgery my doctor recommends.

Anyway, the first prescription I filled was for 5/325, an all white pill with an M marking. I was able to take those without problem. The second prescription I filled was white with red specks (same strength). About a half an hour after I took one of these pills, I started feeling ill. My heart was pounding and I had chest pains. Then I developed a mild case of hives. I notified my doctor and he switched me to oxycodone which was just too strong. I reported this and he rewrote for hydrocodone. I returned the oxycodone to the pharmacy as I had done with the white and red hydrocodone.

I got my prescription refilled and it was the all white pills again. I cautiously took one and everything was fine.

Fast forward to last refill. Again, the white pills with the red specks and again, the same reaction.

Is it possible I am allergic to something in those white and red pills, maybe the red dye in the specks, that doesn't cause problems in the white pills and if so, how do I explain that to my pharmacist without him thinking I'm nuts?


5 Replies

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The inactive ingredients can differ from one manufacturer to another, so yes, it is possible to have a reaction to pills from one manufacturer and not from another.

You really just need to explain the problem to your pharmacist, they should be able to order the other tablets in for you. If they can't, then you might want to try a different pharmacy.


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After surgery for colon cancer, I was given hydrocodon 10/325 which gives good relief from pain. pill was light yellow. Last time I received a white flat pill and on the bottle it says hydrocodn 10/325 also says "Watson" (made by) I assume. Watson has been on the light yellow pills. Pharmaist told me they were same pills with different mfg. If this is true why do they both have (Watson) on them. The white pills do not work as wll as the yellow. Thanks for any help

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The yellow pill doesn't have acetaminophen in it.

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Thanks for your reply. I actually broke down and called my pharmacist to tell him what happened. He said that for awhile, they were unable to get the all white pills and could only fill prescriptions with the others. He also said I was not the only person to call and report problems with that brand and essentially said the same thing you had said about the different fillers and colors. They are now able to get the all white pills again and they put a note in the computer to not give me the others for as long as I have to take them. Thanks again.

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Do what Verwon suggested and tell your pharmacist. It seems odd that pills can have the same active ingredients but whatever dyes and fillers are used can cause differences in their effects. Your pharmacist should be able to replace your pills with the ones that worked better, or order them in for you. They know about the problems different pills can cause for people and are very understanding and cooperative.

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