Hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10/325 By Mallinckrodt
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My pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this?

190 Replies (10 Pages)

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Re: R (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Know ur mess is old but I had same issue on synthroid (hyopthyroidism) Generic caused horrid breakout rash, itch over the thyroid. Brand is ok. But I still pay much more regardless

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Re: Maria (# 174) Expand Referenced Message

Well said. This has to be a DETASILEDreply. So this is the detail: "Well said":.
No letsd sdee if this is enough detail. :-)

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Re: Tina (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

If you take it AS PRESCRIBED you very rarely if ever become addicted ..... I took (past tense no longer taking) hydrocone 10/325 for 20yrs and for at least 10 of those I was also on fentanyl patch as strong as 75mcg ...... I have been off both for about a year .... had no withdraw symptoms when discontinued ..... if someone takes pain meds & feels an euphoria then the meds are to strong or wrong meds & you. Most likely will become addicted if you continue taking the euphoric dose .... & thus it is the takers mistake that causes the addiction not the drug.... if you refuse to communicate with your doctor the effects of the meds ... including the euphoric effect ... thus the failure to communicate because of wanting to continue the euphoric feeling .... & .... one euphoric feeling is not an addiction put after repeating them they can & usually do cause addiction .... but whose fault is that ....THE TAKERS TO BLAME & no one else ......

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Re: Tina (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

18+ years taking two per day split in half per dose, some days only needing 3 halves and many days only needing one half dose in the morning. To break it down, no more than 20mg per day when these medications were the old formula. Those many years I have been engaged fully in the economy and now that the formula has drastically changed I rarely go to the movies, dinner and events. I have not yet cancelled my Part D but am very close and then going on the 4 and 8 dollar program pharmacies have just for emergency medications like antibiotics. My other option is to become an ex-patriot and move to a country that recognizes non cancer chronic pain patients. To other chronic pain sufferers please don't get angry or buy street drugs as that will make things much worse.

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Re: RhoRhoRho (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

My exact sentiments. Suffer the seniors of today because of lax laws with no punishments to deter street drug dealers. Give them needles and heroin but torture the elderly for their lives of long hard work raising family. Doctors are not doctors anymore. They don't care about the patient, they care about how many good marks the government gives them. Its a scam going to the so called Pain Clinics...it's all about the money, not the suffering.

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Re: Jay (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

Which pharmacy in Irvine?

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Re: sa5150 (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

Go work in a pharmacy and find out.

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Re: sa5150 (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone needs to read this, and this is just part of it...


Automation and investment in upgrading facilities is an argument made to distract from the real issue, which was never about capacity, technology or training. It is all about profits, because quality comes at a price. There is a cost to destroying a batch of drugs that doesn’t meet release specifications, and no amount of third-party consultancy or employee retraining will address that issue.

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Re: Maria (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

Lies. You get what's cheapest.

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How long can patient take Norco 10-Acetaminophen 325 without getting addicted? 1 per day

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Re: madashell (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you I appreciate your comments. I too am so exhausted from the pain! I've heard the CDC is supposedly letting up a bit on their recommendations for people with chronic pain who are on opioids. I sure do hope this is true!! I'm fortunate enough to have an excellent doctor that still is willing to prescribe me the meds I need but I've noticed he has been trying to get me to chose medical marijuana. I can not use this since I have bad reactions to it. He's also recommended buprenorphine. I wish I knew who we could all complain to since there's so many of us seeing that our meds just stopped helping all of the sudden!! I'm trying to help make my pharmacists aware that yes there really are chronic pain patients who actually need these meds and use them appropriately! They should never lump us all into one category! Yes there are proper who do abuse them but do not punish those who do not!!

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Re: Katie (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

Well which ones are guaranteed? In my pharmacy, we do not order in any special requests for anyone in any controlled meds. We get whatever our suppliers send to us and have no say on which ones they send. We keep running out of C2 pain meds and C2 stimulants that I suppose we’re lucky with whatever they send to us.

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Re: RhoRhoRho (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

But how do you go about getting the guaranteed ones then? Ask your pharmacy?

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Re: RhoRhoRho (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Amneal was the worst for me! Pure garbage! I despise that drug company. I complained too. I complained at Walgreens and they went to another manufacturer. Amneal is a crap company based in India where there is no regulation. Makes me sick!! This medicine from Amneal is s***!!

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Re: Maria (# 174) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for putting it out there so well, you covered it all. I guess the only thing we can do to change this bull is to stick together and raise hell. How else are we going to get noticed? Or, where to go from here? I'm exhausted most all of the time from the pain, but I'll do what I can. Write letters, make calls, ?? Maria, you'd make a great leader-I'm game! It's the only way to change things as you know.

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Re: RhoRhoRho (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Would love to shake your hand.

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Re: cliff j (# 132) Expand Referenced Message

I work in a pharmacy and I hate to break it to you but pharmacists absolutely can speak to the patients doctors regarding their medication treatment plans. Some pharmacies are required to ask and document certain things if the patient is taking a certain amount of C2 pain medications. Some things they will want to know are for how long they will be on these meds, have they tried and failed different meds before being prescribed the current meds, what is the diagnosis, does the dr have any plans reduce and/or discontinue the meds, etc. And if a patient takes pain meds along with any benzos, such as Xanax, and they are prescribed by 2 different drs, my pharmacy has to now call one of the drs to find out if they are aware that they are being prescribed both these meds and we are to document what the dr says before we can even fill them! Can you just imagine if the patient needs one or both of these meds and it just happens to be a day or time the dr office is closed?!? God forbid if it falls on the weekend or a holiday! The person would have to go w/o their much needed meds until we can get ahold of their dr!! I feel this is excessive and ridiculous!

Workers in the pharmacy are getting blamed and yelled at and while I don’t blame the people being pissed off and frustrated, it isn’t our doing and we absolutely hate it as much as they do!! Things r getting extremely difficult for pain patients to get their meds anymore since the so called opioid crisis!! I’m a chronic pain patient and have been on these meds for 19 years and I’m getting so frustrated with what I’m seeing from day to day!! I also believe that the drug manufacturers r doing something to the meds because they worked just fine until bam one day soon after the crisis began my husband, who also takes these meds, began to notice that they just don’t work hardly at all anymore! I know people build up a tolerance but come on now that’s NOT gonna happen in one months time to two separate people!! They are so f***ing with these meds!! I’ve also noticed that a lot of times now I will get very nauseous when taking them and stomach pain, sometimes with loose stools as well! I just know the manufacturers are putting some kind of anti abuse ingredients in them that r making them WAY less effective and making some people sick!

Anyway, I apologize for the book and going off the rails and for also giving you more than you asked for!! I’m just so sick and tired of what is going on with opioids these days and whatever the government has cooked up and doing behind our backs in agreement with drug manufacturers! It’s so wrong and messed up and having severe negative impact on pain patients that are in desperate need of these meds to function from day to day and are taking them as prescribed, not abusing them and r being extremely punished just because some people r abusing illegal meds that have NOTHING at all to do with prescription pain meds that r being sold in pharmacies in a responsible manner!! I would love any feedback from people on how they feel about what is going on with these meds!

Thank you!

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Re: madashell (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

I just find out who makes the authorized generic, call around to find out which pharmacy carries it or can order it and then my doc sends the RX to that pharmacy with “X” Only on the prescription. That has always worked for me.

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You were taking Watson... Now you're taking Mallinckrodt .... Manufacturer

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Re: madashell (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Hello ????

I also take Mallinckrodt pain meds... 5/325. Almost 3 years now, and I wouldn't want to change. I had to leave Walgreens, CVS pharmacy and Beemans. The genetic type and their own type they started carrying was disgusting and was nothing for pain. I have chronic back problems and get epidural steroid injections. I finally found a pharmacy that gets their drugs imported. So I don't have to worry.

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