Hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10/325 By Mallinckrodt (Page 8)
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My pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this?

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Tris Pharma hydrocodone contains no hydrocodone. Actually feel like I am being poisoned.

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Mommez, the interference in medical, clinical matters by a LAW ENFORCEMENT agency simply would not be tolerated anywhere else (bar Greece and Turkey, where codeine is not OTC, in fact is scheduled the same as diamorphine - and there it is Sch 1, not Sch 2 - docs can not even prescribe it!) Recovering addict or not, there is plenty of evidence that when such patients are prescribed opioids for chronic pain, they do NOT return to their former ways; iatrogenic dependence is extremely rare, even amongst that group. I myself had problems which required residential care, but I am taking the opioids and benzodiazepines which USED to cause problems. The need for relief overrides any dependence issues, and I have over 10 years of experience in that; absolutely no cravings or wishes to raise my dosage above what is required to be pain free. Do not be afraid. If you have psychological issues about having to take something you previously had problems with, find an NA counsellor who is well versed in this and similar situations, and understands how recreational and iatrogenic usage/dependencies work. I am prescribed oxy, clonazepam and lorazepam with absolutely no problems. And fentanyl for rescue analgesia (intranasal spray, 125mcg/dose). Anybody else have experience in HAVING to use drugs which had previously been a problem?

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Actually it's DEA & state Boards of Pharmacy who are monitoring all docs & their percribing of all addictive meds. Now docs have to be treating "conditions" & diagnosis has to go with it.
I also have heard more than one doc say flexeril addictive, NOT. They have gone way too far.
As recovery addict, I cannot get any pain relief from chronic pain. I've had several surgeries in recovery & was able to take pain mess as prescribed but doesn't matter. I am human being first & don't deserve to be punished by suffering in pain. Addicts are people too. due to my history I even have all the medical history but docs are intimated by BIG BROTHER WATCHING. also many docs have left pain medicine practices because of changes.
It sux all the way, fear it is gonna get worse instead of better.

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Supposedly the Oxy is stronger and most desirable, but for some reason it didn't work for me either. It made me sort of tired and sleepy, the hydro gives me a little boost. I read somewhere (did a search on it) that some people do not have an enzyme to process it. I changed back to the hydrocodone.

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I know this is an old post but I was searching info on the generic norco made by Tris because it is new to me and has been causing severe stomach cramps. I've read that it is made in India. Anyway, I wanted to have the right information when I talk with my Pharmacist about the differences in the generics so I wanted to be able to give her legitimate source of information because I know she is going to say "you can't believe everything you read on the internet." But I have been taking Norco for 15 yrs so I have had many generics and they are definitely different. I was wondering how you've obtained your knowledge about the 40% difference. The other person talked about a 20% difference obtained infor from a manufacturing rep.

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My daughter works in pharmaceuticals and when I told her that Mallenkrdt did not work at all, she said that they all have a range... I never could tell that I had taken anything when I took them. She also said that the inert ingredients could have an effect on how they worked.

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Firstly, Jennifer, the brand 'NORCO' is made by Actavis (formerly Watson Pharmaceuticals) & NOT by Qualitest, which is but another generic. Now hydrocodone bitartrate is not available at all outwith the USA - WHO Report 2014 and 2015 both state unequivocally that 100% of the world supply of that drug was consumed in the USA (unless, like me, one has a friend whom is able to get a prescription and send it on to me as required); this since the withdrawal in Europe of Knoll's DICODID, a 10mg tablet prescribed not as an analgesic, but as an antitussive for painful, dry cough. Without, may I add, the addition of acetaminophen (paracetamol) in ridiculously high doses - the actual maximum required for any synergistic effect increasing analgesic effect being around 60mg per 15mg hydrocodone; why they feel it necessary to add so much of that extremely hepatotoxic drug, which by itself has very little analgesic effect and is useful only really as an antipyretic, is a mistery to me as it serves no useful purpose whatsoever. I have tried several of the combination tablets: Qualitest V3601, Mallinckrodt M367, Watson 853 and IP 112 are the ones I recall. As they fill the 'analgesic gap' we have here between dihydrocodeine tartate (its parent drug, hydrocodone being more properly named 'dihydrocodeineone bitartrate') & morphine salts - there is nothing at all between the two in potency on the UK (and other European) market(s) - their availability wouod be a boon for those patients requiring something stronger than 'DF118 FORTE (dihydrocodeine tartrate) 40mg' and weaker than the weakest morphine preparation, 'Oramorph' (which contains so little morphine, only 5mg per 25mL, that bit is not even classified as a Controlled Drug).

My experience is that of the tablets I have mentioned, the 'M367' is by far the most effective, followed by Qualitest's 'V3601' yellow tablet. Recently I was sent the new 'Watson 853' WHITE tablet, 360 of them, and must say that they are the weakest and least effective ever had, why another mystery, since just because the company is now owned by Actavis, the composition of the tablet should never have changed; the same thing may be seen in the now-Actavis-owned Purepac yellow 2mg alprazolam tablets, which now feel considerably weaker than before. There are (out of literally hundreds of generic alprazolams made in the US), only TWO which would he considered even 'acceptable' to European consumers - Greenstone (owned by Pfizer and identical in every way to the branded XANAX tablets) & Qualitest's 'V2090' 2mg bar-shaoed tablet; not nearly as efficacious as the Greenstones, but at least acceptable, and equivalent to European Kela, maybe Teva - dependent on which facility they are made! - & "New Sandoz" - Sandoz USA's 'GG248/249' tablets are literally some of the poorest I have tried, and which are usually from India or Pakistan, as counterfeits, punch dies for the TDP-X series of tablet presses so beloved of counterfeiters being available for about $150 each; Watson ? 534 blue tablets and '853' punch dies are also commonly sold for those machines, and I have read so many posts from people who have bought 'hydrocodone' from that area at prices which seem impossibly low, being completely ignorant of the fact that the drug is not available outside the States, and there is not a single Web-based Pharmacy which ships from the US internationally AT ALL.

I have never yet come across a Mallinckrodt generic which is anything less than excellent, and they appear to make the finest generic opioids in the USA - a fact corroborated by the American Generics Association, who have voted their products best in the opioid class at least five times in the past ten years. The M367 hydrocodone/paracetamol are way ahead of any competition, only brand name Abbott VICODIN NEW HP 10/300mg white and Qualitest V3601 yellow being close to the same quality; the brand name tablet is far too expensive though (thanks to the self-regulation and endemic price-fixing in the American Pharma Industry) but would be my choice were they cheaper; not only myself, but the lady I often help out with a couple of days' worth of the Mallinckrodt won't consider any of the others at all!

Perhaps there is some bioavailability issues with the excipients used in Maloimckrodt's pills - though having checked them out, I see no obvious reason or substance there which would do such a thing, unlike the awful Auden clonazepam 2mg I have been dispensed since Roche withdrew their original Rivotril brand due to lack of sales (NHS 'dispense cheapest available generic' policy) forcing me to take either Roche's own originals from the Low Countries, or the cheaper - and in fact, BETTER - Galenika Roche-licenced Rivotril made in Serbia, along with Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia, where the highest quality medications in Europe are made and dispensed. (In Communist times, we would pay a relative fortune for benzodiazepines made in Romania, mostly by the State Pharma Company TERAPIA - meaning 'therapy' - and they were pretty much impossible to get hold of more than a few times annually, again from friends who were prescribed them. Hungary, Romania and Russia (Soviet Union as was) were renowned for their high quality and for being about the only countries one could purchase medazepam, a drug very similar to diazepam but with far less unwanted sedation, always a problem with diazepam even at low dosages.

Summing up my reply to Jennifer's original question, I can see no pharmacological reason for her side effects from Mallinckrodt 10/325mg hydrocodone/apap, and in my experience, their generic opiates are always amongst the finest one could possibly get in the US; their original brand temazepam 'Restoril', a powdered capsule - better than any tablet as binders are well known for inhibiting the body's take-up of temazepam, but nowhere even close to liquid concentrate-filled gelcaps (Normison brand, ex-Wyeth, now Pfizer or Aspen) or the unbeatable Oral solution 10mg/5mL, which contains absolutely nothing to prevent full oral bioavailability. AVOID PAKISTANI MADE NOVARTIS PK RESTORIL (which does not even hold a Mallinckrodt licence to use the brand name and which are roughly half the stated potency) WIDELY SOLD BY THE SAME KIND OF WEBSITE SELLING FAKE HYDRO, OXYCODONE, AND US-IMPRINT ALPRAZOLAM TABLETS! They have a brand called ALPROX which are a bright yellow and carry the Actavis/Purepac 'P039' imprint on a much rounder, thicker and brighter, almost electric yellow, 'bar'. You would be lucky to find one which contains any more than 1mg alprazolam!

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I have exactly the same problem! Even with the with name brand Vicodin which is now white. Some generics make my blood pressure go off the charts (Mallincrapt) and others just don't provide pain relief. I was fine on the yellow Qualitest and never felt like I needed more until my pharmacy quit getting the yellow pills. I'm trying yoga and acupuncture now so I can jump off this crap!

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I have the same problem. Finally got my doctor to order the kind I need from Actavist Pharmaceuticals.

It is NOT the Hydrocodone. You are experiencing a severe allergy to the Inactive Ingredients.

Also, you need to tell your doctor about your symptoms, and ask him to write for Actavist brand Hydrocodone.

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RhoRhoRho, If you are still around, I'd be interested to hear about how things have been going for you, any better or worse?

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This is all new information for me and have read through almost all of the comments. I've gone from angry to shocked to incredulous and now I am incensed.

Here's my question. Where do Insurance companies... who of course have much more wisdom and apparently know what is best for each and every one of the thousands (millions?) of patients (which are actually human beings, not statistics or worse, lab rats), much more so than do our individual PCP's and other doctors, who, you know, actually see us and take our blood pressure and speak with us for at least 5 minutes... where do they get this wisdom? And why don't they share it with the medical community? They get it from the great wallet in the sky, you say?

OK, then let the insurance company pay the generic price for the manufacturer pill and we pay the difference, simple, right? Oh no! They wont allow that, but it is OK to have us pay a co-pay but it is not OK for us to pay the difference between generic & brand name. Why not? We'd get that choice if we were buying, oh, I don't know, a toaster oven!

Because if this happened the generic manufacturers would go out of business for having a sub-par product, because like anything else in a 'free' market, people tend not to buy junk, at least not a second time. A truly free market helps to ensure quality.

So it is perfectly fine for the FDA and insurance companies and whatever other powers that be, to regulate medications in such a way that it strips away the 'freedom' from the market which in and of itself would produce better quality, uniformity and safer drugs among drug manufacturers.

And as I think RhoRhoRho said, they have the perfect patsies to do a bait-and-switch on, passing along their culpability to the chronic pain sufferer whose mind, you know, are addled by narcotics and opioids, can't trust those people.

I am one of those chronic pain patients whose mind is addled by pain medication. I do not wish my condition on anyone however, the day is coming that many of these people who screw with the system (for financial gain or other reasons, such as the insurance companies, FDA, even doctors themselves) are going to experience some medical malady and then they will know what they have perpetrated upon us. That is if their minds are not addled with pain because they cannot get the medications that they need, only sub-par, possibly even dangerous medications.

I said pain, and not pain medications because it is pain that makes it difficult for someone to concentrate and think. Someone in actual chronic severe pain does not feel high or feel euphoria when taking these medications. I never felt anything but pain reduction which makes it possible for me to be productive and still have some quality of life.

We have been insulted, stigmatized, marginalized, made to jump through rules and regulations from doctor's to insurance companies to pharmacies (many of which are in direct contradiction of the rules of the other) and are actively being treated as lab rats without our knowledge.

And we have no recourse. Because our health is gone we neither have the strength nor the financial ability to fight for ourselves. We're easy pickings.

Doctors have a huge coalition of power that they don't mind using to lobby Washington for financial gain with but will not use it to help the patients that they swore an oath to 'first do no harm' to, shame on them.

That oath apparently has lost its meaning. They must still do it for sentimentality reasons, it is quaint, you know, it's like saying "I Do" until, well, "I Don't".

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I wish you well.

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I really don't know what we can do , for me does not work

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I don't know. But there has to be some kind of an additive in the drug. I'm going to contact an attorney requesting a legal case.

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I'm taking oxycodone and I'd like to get someone's opinion about what works best for them...? Oxycodone...or Hydrocodone..? The oxycodone I take doesn't seem to help me...? They have a V on one side & 48/10 on the other. I know the yellow hydro I used to get from the VA helped me the best but I asked my doctor to try the oxycodone...and it hasn't worked as well...and he doesn't want to switch me back to hydrocodone... I feel like I'm dieing I hurt so bad... please help.?

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Exactly! I have read literally hundreds of messages from people with the exact same problems with this particular brand.

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The companies can have up to a 20% difference in the amout of drug in each pill so some lots can have 10mg and some lots less.

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I don't know, but I think what it amounts to is that your doctor is actually prescribing Hydrocodone.

I would look up the formulary for this item, and even talk to your pharmacist.

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I have been taking Oxycodone 10-325 for the past 12 years for my chronic back pain after a failed Lammy. After getting a refill from Wal-Mart the other day I have noticed that the pain still lingers. I take a pill every 8 hours which the last two hours can ,at times, be unbearable. My doctor refuse to increase my intake to every 6 hours, which is within the perameter of this pain killer. He is to concerned about the feds watching him instead of treating his patients. But my real question is what is the difference between Hydrocodone and oxycodone. My script calls for Oxycodone 10-325, but after getting my refill and looking up the the 10-325 mg Mallinckrot on Google it states that my script is actually Hydrocodone. What gives?

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Hi Jennifer, Chances are the pharm you go to want to cut cost so no telling where your new generics are coming from. I have noticed changes myself in potencies when pharms did that to me. I simply went back to a pharm I trusted when I moved further away from them to a new place and now make the trip. These new generics I think get the stamp of approval because how are they going to manage Quality Control if the person checking them cannot check one against the other by ingesting them. Well that's just my theory anyway.. But it feels right to me.

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Well, they may "all" have the same ingredients, but I went into anaphylactic shock after just ONE dose of the 10-325's from Meckenrodt.

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