Hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10/325 By Mallinckrodt (Page 5) (Top voted first)


My pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this?

189 Replies (10 Pages)

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Different fillers (adjuvents). I can't do dyes especially yellow! I heard actavis took over Watson's hydrocodone but supposedly CVS is only one that carries actavis? I gave up researching! Because the lies & ring around the Rosie!!! When i started mallincrodt it made me sick, real sick, come to find out it was oxycodone? Wt heck? I still get stomach cramps & chills for 15- 20 minutes after i take it!! Good luck! Always talk to your pcp!!

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I posted here about 4 months ago about the bad side effects I was having from the Mallinckrodt 10/325. I also emailed the company with my complaints because the side effects were serious- sick to my stomach, nauseous, dizzy, itchy, can't stop sneezing and not a lot of pain relief. I don't like taking more, but the pain relief quality is very far down. And IT IS NOT because I'm building a tolerance. I stick to my schedule so I know when the medicine is not as effective. It is quite obvious what my body is telling me. The quality and effectiveness have changed a lot lately. I've been taking it for years and have noticed many negative changes to this once, very effective, medicine. The new batch I picked up July 10th are different once again. Right away I noticed a difference in the size of the pill. The big change is that it is not making me dizzy, itchy or feeling like I'm going to throw up anymore. Just an FYI for everyone.

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Re: cliff j (# 122) Expand Referenced Message

The generics we are getting from India are pure garbage and are not effective!! They don't have the same screening process like here in the US. The FDA regulates the medicines here but not in foreign countries. Why is it allowed that medicine is made in foreign countries and then given to us here in the US!!?? It is trash!! This needs to be stopped!! Our medicines should only be made in the US!! That's why people ask for certain brands. The medicine made in the US works!! The IP medicine is made by an Indian owned company and it's total s***!! It made me so ill!! Nauseous, itchy, upset stomach, the same symptoms as withdrawal. Their xanax is just as bad. Garbage!! Amneal makes the worst medicines!! Who knows what the fillers are in this "medicine" that made me so sick. Are the test kits available to test the medicine to see what is in it and how much of the active ingredient is in it? I want this garbage tested!! I am so angry!!

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

My question was which manufacturer are you using - you stated the one you just picked up was fine - Im sure we would all like to know since so many of us are suffering I'm sure it would be helpful to all of us.

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Re: lisa (# 129) Expand Referenced Message

As we know what might work for one person, doesn't for another. There is NOTHING out there that is good. It's all s***. The one that caused me the least complications is Mallinckrodt. Ive seen other people here saying its crap, and it is, but it gives me the least side effects. Amneal is the WORST for pain relief (norco), alprazolam (xanax) and gabapentin. ALL ARE S*** MADE BY AMNEAL!! Ive experienced horrible side effects, no pain relief and empty capsules. Now I know why Ive had horrible days. I take this medication every day but if there is no medication in the capsule it has really messed me up. Im going to be squeezing them from now on. AS FAR AS MY EXPERIENCE HAS BEEN, all generics are s*** from Amneal. And its through personal experience. Walgreens dispenses this crap. Ive had capsule progesterone capsules that leaked. Safeway has the best quality but not the best made generics.

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Re: Cliff J (# 130) Expand Referenced Message

It is Cliff. I looked it up. India is a cell pool.

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Re: madashell (# 131) Expand Referenced Message

From my life experience I have learned that living right, doing everything by the book and being a good person gets you nothing but crapped on. No good deed goes unpunished, every person I ever helped out only crapped on me and when the tables were turned I couldn't even get a hello, how are you? You get more ahead in this world by being a crook.

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Unfortunately, because of the political climate BOTH democrat and republican, it is extremely difficult to get anyone to help out the chronic pain patients. No “class action” Attorneys Office will even consider a case because of all of the backlash an Attorneys Office would probably have to take. Chronic Pain patients are being grouped in with all of the street drug addicts and thief’s and we are in an awful position right now. The public has been taught that anyone that takes ANY pain medication must be an awful person and they will excoriate anybody that tries to help us.

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

You said you got your meds changed from hydrocodone to oxycodone and it works much better - but which manufacturer of that oxycodone are you now using. I have also found that percocet/oxycodone is also inferior just like the vicodin because of the manufacturer which is usually mallincroft now at most pharmacies including Walgreens. So please let us know which manufacturer you are using that actually works I'm sure we would all like to know so we can get a bit of relief from our pain.

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

and that is why I am a (almost) hermit. I don't want to be the sarcastic, fatalistic, sour-faced, unhappy hater as I know some people to be. I'm just much more careful who I am kind to. Mostly, old folks like me, small children, and animals. It's hard to trust, let alone love.

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 140) Expand Referenced Message

I have found an analyzing kit available online. I don't know if I can put it here on this site, but as soon as I find it, I'll post it here. Bear with me all, as I've misplaced the website, deleted history, etc. But this appeared to be a kit you could purchase to test what was in a pill. Will that help us? When we find out what's in it, what will we do with the results? I'm hurrying....

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Re: madashell (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

Please be advised that if you leave the counter or the store BEFORE counting your pills you will probably be all done as far as getting a refund or replacement pills. Of course the thought behind this is that you must be a drug addict and went outside and removed 20 pills and went back inside to get more pills. Chronic pain patients are, as far as most people are concerned, liars and addicted. This thought process precludes the Pharmacy employees from EVER taking your word for it. If you need to hold up the "line" then do so. Count your pills before you leave or you will be done.

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Re: lisa (# 147) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Lisa, it was Amneal and it was crap! I had my doctor switch me back to the Hydrocodone but it too is crap. The Mallickrodt are blanks, there's nothing in them. My doctor told me the Oxycodone was stronger so it should work better, so I went from 10 mg. Hydro to 7.5 Oxycodone well it did nothing for my pain. Went back for my next appt. and they upped it to 10 of the Oxy. well again, nothing, felt like taking a sugar pill. They should have worked much better but they did nothing. Last mo. was the first time in a year that my Hydrocodone seemed legit and actually helped my pain so I thought, great, they've finally gotten the junk off the market. Just got my new script and back to the junk, nothing in them. I was so still and hurting so bad this morning that I took 2, nothing, took 3 more, nothing and took 4 more, NOTHING. That's almost 10 pills and NOTHING. How in the heck are they getting away with this? If these pills were legit with 10 mgs. of medication in them I wouldn't be sitting here still in pain, no, I'd be in a coma. I am done with this crap, I just as soon take nothing and suffer anymore instead of keep trying to these blank sugar pills that do nothing. My daughter just had to go to the ER over the weekend for an absessed tooth and they gave her 6 of the 5 mg. to take home because it was in the middle of the night, she took 4 and they still did nothing, she was in the worst pain of her life and got no relief. The ER gave her a script for 8 of the 5 mg., she ended up having to take a total of 6 within and hour and still NOTHING. She has never taken a narcotic in her life before this so it's not about tolerance this is about people in pain being fleeced by these crooked companies and our government NOT doing ONE damn thing to stop it. I've recently had 4 MRI's and 3 Sonograms and I go back to the neurologist on Weds. to find out the results of them, all due to ringing in the ears and I truly believe it's from these junk pills. They have damaged my body and my life and I will not sit by any longer and do nothing, they will pay for this through a lawsuit that I will WIN. Game OVER, MALLINCKRODT.

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Re: RhoRhoRho (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

And we can probably all guess that the lobbyists and politicians in Washington D.C. are getting HUGE kickbacks from these drug companies to allow them to keep short changing people on their medications. I take an antidepressant and I truly believe the generics are nowhere near as effective as the original mfr. of them. I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY they are getting away with this and HOW? Our government is short changing us and gambling with our lives and NO one gives one you know what. It's all about money and corruption these days and this is why politicians are living high on the hog up in their mansions on the hill. We all pay taxes that go to cover the wages and the running of places like the FDA and the CDC but they are not doing their jobs, no one cares that these generic drugs are worthless, they're letting the manufacturers of them get away with anything.

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Yes, I noticed the same thing. It may be the fillers and less pain medication

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Re: RhoRhoRho (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

My exact sentiments. Suffer the seniors of today because of lax laws with no punishments to deter street drug dealers. Give them needles and heroin but torture the elderly for their lives of long hard work raising family. Doctors are not doctors anymore. They don't care about the patient, they care about how many good marks the government gives them. Its a scam going to the so called Pain Clinics...it's all about the money, not the suffering.

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Mallinckrodt hydrocodone has a different formula on the bottle label on the bottle of qualitest Norco formula I found it once on the internet but I can't find it again but I did find it once

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Oscar Western Vista, all hydrocodone and acetaminophen combination drugs have the same active ingredients. The fillers and binders vary from one company to another. Generics must have
8 mg-12 mg of the active ingredients, if it says it has 10 mgs on the label.

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I think the fact that you been taking the yellow and are use to it. Change pharmacy I did when mine ran out, and another one had the yellow norco 10. There is a diff, if you put 180 pills of yellow up against some of the white 10/325 pills there bigger. And are diluted down, not all of these generic pain meds meet the standard. But that's what insurance pays for, or we pay full price. This is what I think!

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Well, they may "all" have the same ingredients, but I went into anaphylactic shock after just ONE dose of the 10-325's from Meckenrodt.

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