Hydrochloride Oral Solution


I am on this med for pain. However I am also in a methadone program. When I u/a she said the oxycodone oral and opiate is showing up. I am not taking anything extra, just what the dr is giving me. Help.

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What is the full name of the oral solution you are using?

Hydrochloride is just the chemical salt, there should be something else with it, it should say Hydrocodone Hydrochloride, or etc.


If you can post back with the rest of the name, I can research more information for you.

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What is the comparison between oxycodone oral solution and tablets. Have been prescribed oxycodone hydrochlride oral solution 5mg per 5 ml. Is this stronger than tablets?

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Ive been on the oxycodone 10s without Tylenol for about a year now they no longer work or do nothing for me. I was taking them 4 times a day so I told my Doctor, so idk what is gonna to happen to me since i need something stronger and fast. Any suggestions?? Truly Dawn....

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Hey Dawn,

It's always best to have the doctor decide what's right for you if of course your using it for legit pain relief purposes. There are plenty of powerful pain relieving opiates available but just because they have worked for others by no means suggest they will have the same effect on you. In fact that could be dangerous to suggest drug protocols that in reality you've never experienced. Your already on a very powerful drug with a generous dosage allowance. Most doctors are extremely uncomfortable prescribing these class drugs for conditions unquantafiable by diagnostic measures and on a long term basis. I've worked with many flagged patients whom are unable to find quality care once a patient is dismissed from a practice for cause. I'm just trying to have you avoid this very difficult position you can find yourself in if they feel you may be a DRUG SEEKER. I hate that term because so few chronic intractable pain patients are but our faulty system has in part created this crisis. I sincerely hope your doctor serves you well and satisfies your need for pain control.

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Thank you, I'm sure he will too, and no. I'm not a drug seeker. It's just that they want to do Surgery. I refused and I'll keep on refusing for it's a 50 percent chance of me being in a chair or walking around again. I choose to stay on the pain meds. Thank you again.

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