Hydergine Forums
Recently active Hydergine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Hydergine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.as preventive or cure for alzheimer and parkinson's???? ## basically parkinson's is damage due to the dopamine producing neurons which mostly are mostly located in one spot and a chemical breaks them down and in the process it damages the cells that produce the dopamine, which deprenyl DESTROYS this enzyme that breaks it down and takes days, weeks, or even months for the enzyme to be built all the way back up again, which is why it is called irreversable. it also breaks down into small amounts of amphetamine and methamphetamine but the kind that is not addicting or habit-forming (it's the mirror-image of the molecule that is bad and is in street-drugs that cause addicts and destroy people's lives) which increases dopamine production making it VERY effective for treating ...
My mother suffered two strokes and numerous TIAs. Resulting deficites were: aphasia, confusion, poor cognition, poor memory, secondary severe emotional distress, sleep problems which seemed to exacerbate stroke disabilities. Treatment with 6mg Hydergine FAS (enteric coated) resulted in remission of all her stroke symptoms. Her speech, cognition, memory emotional status were perfect, Melatonin 3 to 5mg just prior to bedtime seemed to restore good sleep and appeared to be an important part of her remarkable recovery. ## john how long did your mom take to get results like these and how long after her strokes was it before she started on the hydergine and do think the fas is superior? ## Hello John, my boyfriend suffered a severe 18+ ischemic stroke on October 19th. I am trying to get his d...
blood is not circulated in head stoke on mouth left can not talk properly neorology dr,suggest of this medicine want description of the same or alternate medicine for the same also suggest fore hydergene not available in market 6 month passed kindly do the needful ## gincocer & hydergine Both medicine not avb in market alternet medicine require for stroke the address of manuf and details of the medicine description for require. ## neorologist dr sugest for two medicine 1) HYDERGENE/ GINCOCER Both medicine not available in market suggest availabilty in market mumbai address or cell no.reqd. for purchase of the same dr,also suggest for medicine for six months.period is compolsory. ## I am sorry, this site is not medical professionals, so we cannot possibly suggest a treatment or presc...