Hunger Problems On Vyvanse


Today was my first day on 30mg of Vyvanse. I am 17 years old and have been struggling with attention and my ability to work within time constraints for my entire life. I have generally regular eating habits. This morning, I took the Vyvanse right before eating toast. For the rest of the day until about 6pm, the idea of putting food in my mouth seemed awful. At about 6pm, I gained back my appetite and found myself wanting and able to eat so much more food than my usual eating schedule includes. Do any of you have experience with this situation? Has it/could it go away? Any tips?

2 Replies

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That sucks.

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Vyvanse contains the active ingredient Lisdexamfetamine, which is a stimulant class medication and that is what is used in most weight loss medications. Thus, during the time period of the day that it was active in your body, you had virtually not appetite. Then later, when it wore off, your appetite picked up.

Learn more Vyvanse details here.

You'll need to learn to control your eating later in the day, or you may find yourself gaining weight unexpectedly.

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