Humira Swelling Of Feet And Legs
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I have been on Humira for about a year and a half. It has been very good for me. I noticed right from the beginning that I had a lot of swelling in my body but mostly in my feet and lower legs. About 7-9 lbs in the week of my injection. I decided that I could handle it and it was much better than the Psoriatic Arthritis AND my skin cleared about 95%. I have always had a lot of sinus and ear infections so I have to take antibiotics for a lot longer now when I get one and sometimes I have to stop the injections until it clears up. This past month or 2 I am noticing very easy bruising. Does this make sense or ring true for anyone else?

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When I had unnatural excessive bruising, I went to a doctor that diagnosed me with Vitamin C deficiency, and treated me with Vitamin C ascorbic acid. Cleared up very soon!

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Oh yes it does. Seems most every medication causes swelling in the ankles, feet, and this causes lack of circulation which in the long term is BAD. But what is worse the disease or the medication and its side effects?

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Thanks. I have talked with my doctors about these issues. We are discussing whether changing to a different biologic. I am just not sure if I would have the same issues if it is worth starting over. I am having more frequent flare ups so that is also a deciding factor but I have also been under a huge amount of stress. Any idea if other biologics have helped other people with less side effects? I don't know many people who use them so not much to compare to.

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Hello, Aka! How are you doing?

Yes, all of these symptoms make sense. They are all listed under the possible side effects of Humira, as listed by the FDA.

You may also experience slurred speech, loss of voice, thirst, insomnia and blurred vision.

Have you had these issues checked out by your doctor? It's always best to do so, just to be careful.

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