Humira Resistance (Top voted first)


I have been on Humira for about 5 years and it has been a life saver. In the past 3 months or so I've found that it would only help for 10 - 12 days instead of the 2 week cycle I've have been on. Now I'm down to about 80% effectiveness and only helps for about a week. Has anyone experience a resistance to the drug after a period of time?

2 Replies

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Hello, Richard! How are you?

It is normal for that to happen with any medication that you are on for a long period of time, it can vary from person to person, so there is no time frame that can be given.

Have you discussed the issue with your doctor? They may have an idea on how to help you.

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Yes. At least that's what I feel is happening along with random pains in my legs mostly my thighs. I have had fibramalasia symptoms but typically just the tissue around larger joints. I have not been able to discuss with my doctor yet because I am not due to see her for a couple more months. I have been on it for 9 yrs now. I also experience sensitivity to the sun in the form of eczema :(

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