How To Stop Miralax (Top voted first)


Any suggestions how to stop using Miralax? I was having constipation issues for last 6-7 years. Doctor suggested Miralax. For last 15 months I am taking 1 dose (17 gr) once day. Although it works, I am scared I will get dependant and that eventually it will stop working. I noticed some slight puffines under my eyes lately. I am also afraid on some impact on my kidneys.
I eat mostly - 90% fruit and vegies, very little meat - only fish and chicken, I drink at least 2 l of water daily, do my daily walking. Eating limited amount of bread - only whole wheat. I watch very carely WHAT I eat. No ice cream, no cookies, no beef, no rice, very ltd potatoes, no pasta, no chocolate, no cakes, no pastries.
I do everything by the book, I tried Metamucil, but my stool with it is too large and it cost me to develop some tears in my rectum.
I am frustrated, bcs this "eliminating" issue is slowly but surely taking over my life. I am watching what I am eating, plus I am constantly afraid that Miralax will stop working, plus worried about it's longterm effects.
Any advice. Thank you.

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Have you tried power pudding? Take applesauce prune juice and Raisin Bran or another bran cereal and mix it in a bowl. Equal parts I think. Refrigerate. If too thin, add more bran cereal and let sit in fridge for a while until you have it like a pudding consistency. This will help regulate your bowels. I'm a nurse and this works great for my patients. The applesauce gives you soluble fiber, the feral is regular fiber, and the prune juice softens stool a little while the magnesium in it stimulates your gut muscles to propel stool along. Also, get your magnesium levels checked. All of us are chronically low on it and it keeps the guy working when we have good levels. Also, if you take tums or anything with calcium carbonate, consider stopping it as it constipated and causes kidney stones. If you take calcium, take ca citrate and get a good magnesium supplement not Mag oxide. Look up the types of magnesium and it will help you. Also, look up symptoms of high and low magnesium as well as calcium so you will know if your having these signs.

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Have you discussed it with your doctor?

You will probably have to taper slowly, by gradually reducing your use of it, to try to avoid rebound constipation.

It also sounds like some of your fiber sources are limited in your diet. Increasing your fiber intake, by adding more grains can greatly help with constipation issues.


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I don't eat fruits or veggies and have this every night. Don't know what help affects it might have and I'm trying to think of a way to eat veggies or meats but it's all in my head. Please help!!!

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