How To Pass Saliva Drug Test For Methamphetamine (Page 5)
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Took methamphetamine tonight, can i pass saliva test tomorrow?

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I had a mouth swab test for employment and was consuming marijuana and methamphetamine. I was told to get the strongest Listerine there is an swish it around in your mouth an hold it for 10 minutes. Do that 3 times and before you go into do your test eat hard peppermint candies and spit them out before you go in. I did it and passed!! And I had just dosed earlier that morning and the whole week before.

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I think u should go ahead and buy some swab test strips from Amazon and then try all suggested methods (no pun intended, lol) so u can then post what truly works and what doesn't. What u think sally?

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Not sure how that happened but YAY!!! Possibly not enough saliva to test. One has to question the reliability of these tests. Especially to test positive for a drug never taken and negative for a drug taken everyday. Or maybe the drugs we are taking aren't what we think they are. At least you passed and maybe it was all the things you did beforehand. One way to know for sure is to purchase some mouth swabs of the Internet and do your own experiment. Everyone is different and what doesn't work for one may work for another. Also it may work one time and not the next.

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Swim takes methamphetamine daily.. found out she had a mouth swab test in 24hrs for court. she dosed again only a couple hours before the test and had brushed her teeth with toothpaste and then hydrogen peroxide and gargled as well as rinsed mouth for 2minutes with TheraBreath she got at walmart for $8 and headed to court. she hardly drank or ate anything at all prior to brushing and the drive is an hour long. she said she had an awful case of dry mouth the whole drive there and she even told the tester that.. she was told to chew the swab like gum... she kept it on her back right side of mouth and chomped on it and pulled it out complaining of dry mouth. was told to keep chewing ..she got a tiny bit of wetness on it and teeth marks and a lil mark of blood on it. as she pulled it back out she pulled the swab apart a lil bit and shoved it in the container... it came back negative her attorney told her... she is still stupified on HOW or WHAT was the reasoning for passing. she thinks there wasnt enough saliva or that there was no cells from her cheeks and gums.

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Peroxide will not help you pass a saliva drug test. Peroxide actually pulls toxins from your cells. There is no over the counter product that will help you pass a mouth swab. That is real talk. How do I know? Because I have tried everything. I use methamphetamine everyday all day. I have been on UA's for 5 years. While I can give a clean UA all day any day, a mouth swab.... Forget it! You can read my previous post to see how I had to fake my way through a couple. If your saliva touches that swab you're done. I have passed in two days. Dosed on Sunday passed on Tuesday. Honestly the accuracy of these tests have to be looked at because I also tested positive for opiates and I am allergic to them so there is no way I was positive. When I say I have tried everything I mean it. From coating your mouth with Vaseline to the gum to the brushing your teeth for an hour even used the whitening strips and kept them in place while I had the swab in. Now I can say everyone is different and if you are serious about passing and not quoting you can buy a bunch of swabs off amazon and test all the methods suggested and see if one works for you. I did that too! Good luck! Luck is the one thing I think really works!

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Is it possible to pass a mouth swab drug test if you took methamphetamine the night before?

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How do I pass a mouth swab for meth

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So how did you pass it? I need to know. I take methamphetamine all day everyday and have a drug test on Tuesday. Its a mouth swab.

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Put peroxide in ur mouth before u take the test most places will let u take water in with u so put peroxide in a water bottle they look exactly the same before u take the test take a .....drink.... wink wink ... hold it in ur mouth and let the test soak the peroxide up

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There are products that are formulated exactly for the purpose of passing saliva tests. Unless you can stay clean for 1 week, I'd say using such a product is your best bet if you want to pass it reliably and not just take a gamle.

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The fact is there is no proven method to speed up this process. The typical drink a lot of fluids, sweat/exercise, and urinate often. It can depend on how fast your metabolism is. I passed a mouth swab 2 days after injecting meth. I was a daily, gram a day, IV user. However, I have heard people say 5 days later they were still testing positive using the swab method of testing. Good luck. Read previous replies by me as I offer some of my personal experience.

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What is the fastest way to pass a mouth swab test in a day after using methamphetamine?

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Did a small line of roxy 10 the pink one Tuesday night. Did a swab test Friday morning. Held it between my teeth for 5 minutes. Will I pass?

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I have a friend who took methamphetamine once for the first time ever recently and 5 days later had a mouth swab done for probation. What's the likely hood of my friend passing?

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I'm not buying that answer because when you tell them you take a certain medication they are next going to need you to prove you get a valid script from YOUR Dr.. Flat out, I know.

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No. It doesn't work. Well at least the ultra masc ultraclean doesn't work for a UA.makes it diluted.

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I'm wondering if i had someone's clean Silva and something to put it in then have it in my mouth so when i opens my mouth the swab will get wet with the clean Silva bout mine

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Not likely. It take 2 - 5 days for meth to leave your system. I have not found a successful work around for mouth swabs.

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It is almost impossible to pass a saliva test for methamphetamines. It stays in the saliva about 2-3 days. Not all jobs test for meth. My boyfriend uses daily and passed a mouth swab because they were only testing for alcohol. I was able to be hired after testing positive for meth simply by tell them I was taking Vyvance, similar to Adderall. Read my previous post it may help.

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I took methamphetamine yesterday and stopped before 9pm... I was told I had to come in for a possible job and a swab is going to be done. I plan on going by noon today. Any advice on how to pass? Pls help without a lecture.

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