How To Pass Saliva Drug Test For Methamphetamine (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Took methamphetamine tonight, can i pass saliva test tomorrow?

103 Replies (6 Pages)

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Will ultra elminex cover up methamphetamine for a urine drug test for employment?

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Re: joi (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Took methamphetamine a week ago and had a swab test today. Can I pass?

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Re: Tina (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I rinsed my mouth with peroxide very thoroughly, then I added about 1/4 cup bleach to my fruit punch and drank it and rinsed with peroxide again. I had taken a dose of methamphetamine 10 hours prior to my saliva test, which I passed.

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Brush ur teeth gums toung and cheeks and use mouth wash do this extensively before u go around 4-5 times when u get there drink water and swish water around ur mouth

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Lemon slices sometimes it's the simple things that work

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As far as I'm aware - and as a person who has tried a number of sneaky ways to "beat" the swab test - you can't beat it through conventional means. Is it directly and strictly observed? On such short notice, I'd say you're very likely to fail, even if you are somehow able to dilute or clean out your mouth. These tests are just too sensitive and reliable.

The only way I've found (and again, this is still not advisable, and could land you in serious trouble should you be caught) is to know which swab test you're taking, procure the same tests through online purchase, and stealthily substitute a clean swab with water for the one that was in your mouth at the opportune moment.

Risky? Hell yes. Effective? Yes. You just have to be willing to pay a lot out of pocket for peace of mind.

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After reading Medical/Lab posts (dating 2005-present) this (& similar) site & even a few BUY OUR FIX-ALL SNAKE OIL sites, here's my 2¢:

1) We should probably stop using (no-brainer but has to be said).

2) Everybody is different, including the amount used. Our pH level is a big factor in how much methamphetamine we excrete/release. Ex: my hubby typically drinks 200oz of fluid (diet soda or water) a day causing a low pH - me, 30oz if I push to drink more than normal & high pH. He eats, I don't normally. We dose together so the amount of intake is about equal between us. He sweats & pees WAY more than I do flushing toxins out more than I do (having a bladder infection is an example of what your body does when you don't get toxins out). It would be easier to pass a test w/ out doing anything else, if you push lots of clean fluids through your body.

3) How Long?? Lots of different opinions: Methamphetamine oral 5-48 hrs can still show + (a couple places I read could be up to a full week :/ ) EXTRA INFO: Cannabis/Marijuana seems to be harder to detect orally. It only lasts 2-3 hrs in the mouth (cuz of munchies is my guess lol j/k).

4) FOR TEST TO BE ACCURATE (lab web post): "No alcohol based products (i.e. mouth wash & such) can be used 20mins prior to testing. No food, drink or tobacco can be in the mouth at the time of testing." I've seen the did/didn't posts about mouth wash, peroxide, Oragel/Biotene. Haven't tried them & don't think I'd risk it.

5) ACTUAL MEDI/LAB "BEAT IT" CASE STUDY VICKS VAPOINHALER: 22 ppl tested 6 doses day 1, single dose day 2 with urine collection for following 32hrs. Results = 2.2% false+ (not huge but I'd sure try & say I used it as a last ditch effort-might get ya a do over).

6) WHAT TO USE: All kinds of detox suggestions goldenseal (herb), Vit. C, vinegar (not sure that works for methamphetamine but friend swears it does on marijuana), Niacin & activated charcoal but these all take some kind of time. Crazier & less seen: heart burn lollies, Altoids, citrus (whole, sliced or juiced to make your glands kick in high gear & flood your mouth with new saliva), water "held in mouth" (like I can hold that and tell them my date of birth or whatever they ask!) & the one I know I won't ever try Carry a pre moistened exact replica of test they use and swap out when they hand u 1 for ur mouth. That girl must be related to Chris Angel somehow! If I had to try 1 RIGHT NOW I'd go with the citrus since it could change the pH level in your mouth but that would just be a stab in the dark. Hope this info helps someone in some way.

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Does this method work for methamphetamine only? Just curious. I am trying to pass a mouth swab Tuesday and I took suboxone and methamphetamine on Friday, both mildly.

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No. It doesn't work. Well at least the ultra masc ultraclean doesn't work for a UA.makes it diluted.

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I think u should go ahead and buy some swab test strips from Amazon and then try all suggested methods (no pun intended, lol) so u can then post what truly works and what doesn't. What u think sally?

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U will probably fail I have any times. I have been on swabs for months now and can't master it yet. I dipped the whole thing in water and I don't believe it hit my mouth at all . And it did come back positive.

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She will probably pass due to the fact that she isn't a chronic user.

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I have an oral eze mouth swab test on Monday for cps and took less than a half gram of methamphetamine late Sat night / early morning hours on Sunday. What are the best things to try so I can pass and what does having a mint in your mouth at the time of the test do?

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Re: D man (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

You used bleach ? Whats the point of the bleach though ?

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Re: D man (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

I sustained from using for 3 days, used gold listerine, peroxide and strong gum and altoids. Ill post my results upon receipt fingers crossed

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I been doing methamphetamine for a week straight bout a half to whole gram a day if I keep water or Listerine in my mouth and let the swab soak that up instead of my saliva will a pass this test tomorrow

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Did he come out clean or dirty

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I take adderall and was in medical field 20 years and worked for a lab as well. So unfortunately they know I know mostly every way to beat any test using a medication. That being said because they think I'm "tricky" my valid script for adderall shows positive for amphetamines, the standing order is to test it further to show what kind of amphetamine. It will then break down each type of amphetamine you have in your system - adderall or amphetamine salts is a combo of 3 different amphetamines and methamphetamine shows as methamphetamine and I've researched hours on end a medication that could be false positive for the methamphetamine upon further testing and there isn't one. BUT there is a generic drug I found and the generic drug name is "methamphetamine". I haven't researched the drug to know what exactly is in it but it's the only thing I've come up with in years of research.

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I just finished off a gram of methamphetamine at 3 pm eastern time that I've had since Thursday. I pretty much dose everyday but I'm not a heavy user. I have a oral swab for a great job at 9 eastern time in the morning. So approximately 16 hours later. I also had a joint to help me come down. Please help me figure out how to pass this.

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I am on the same page I tried everything ultra clean the other peroxide listerine strips nothing worked couldn't even do the between the teeth thin

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