How To Get Methamphetamine Out Of Your System Fast
UpdatedI have been clean from Methamphetamine for 6 months, but relapsed. I only used about a dime (.10 - .15). I'm 5'3, around 150 lbs, female, & have a slow metabolism. The last hit I took was around 7:45 am (prior to that smoked from around 10 pm to 2:30 am ). I get randomly drug tested (via state) and of course I call this morning and I was supposed to test today. Where I have to test they do watch you (intensely) and they are very extensive. They also test for Creatine levels. A diluted UA is not ideal but is definitely a better option than dirty/ being able to tell I took a detox from head shop, or not showing. So because a diluted test seemed to be my best option (and I smoked Very little) from around 8am-3pm I consistently drank water, coffee, and juice. I urinated about twice per hour. Also took B12 to restore urine color to normal, hoping to at the very least get a diluted sample. I bought a home test and still came up positive for Methamphetamine and the 2nd line for Amphetamine was faint. So I didn't go test today. (not going counts as an automatic dirty UA however given that I have never missed one or had a dirty one they will sometimes be leniant). Because I did not go today it's very possible that I will have to go tomorrow. The latest I can test is 8:30 pm. I need to know what I can do to either ensure at least a diluted if not a clean test as fast as possible. I will not drink bleach or any other harmful chemicals. I also have to take random mouth swabs so any advice in case I have to do that soon would be greatly appreciated. I am open to all methods however would much rather actually cleanse it from my system not mask it.
Ive been in the exact same boat as you and it really really sucks. I think the only way you can for sure for sure get rid of it is to sweat it out. Go on your phone and download an app called 'drug test calculator'. you will put in the details of your situation and it will give you the timeline of how long it will remain in your system. On this app there is an option to pay 9.95 and it will tell you how to pass your drug test. i have no idea if this works or not. its just an idea. Be careful with the detox products. Ive heard they dont work.. With modern day science I refuse to believe there is no way to fool these silly drug tests, I just haven't found anything that for sure works... GoodLuck
If I smoked one small bowl of methamphetamine about 5 hits just once will I pass a hair folicle 1 month later.. Had a drunk party night and foolishly smoked methamphetamine for the first time
Great way to pass is to not use. Take accountability, get help, and be honest in your recovery!
Hi I I haven't used meth in a bout a year. I recently did a line at 1:30pm on a wensday, I have a mouth swab test Monday. Will it be out by than? How far does a mouth swab go ? Plz help
Hydrogen peroxide right before a couple times. I swear to god it will work. I've done it.
You're fine you don't need more than about 48 hours of clean time to pass a mouth swab they're the easiest to pass
I get drug tested at random as we'll, mouth swabs too. Methamphetamine will get of out your system in up to 72 hours, I drank a detox drink from the smoke shop, and drank water and I bought an at home drug test; came up clean from it the 2nd an 3rd day after I used, I was clean from methamphetamine for a year but I messed up and did a line. But hope this advice will work. And there is mouth wash you can get for mouth swabs but they both detect up to same time
what do u do with hydrogen peroxide? Drink it ? how much and when?
My boyfriend just got hit with a mandatory UA and he dosed this morning. We are in the process of following the steps of the baking soda cleanse for an emergency situation. At this location UA results are read right in front of you so I will know the outcome of the results very quickly and I will post my testimonial as to whether or not the baking soda cleanse does work or doesn't work.
I have to take a drug test in two days how can I flush out the meth
Did the baking soda trick work or not?
How did you do it and how much?
Yes!!! Follow the amount/per weight/ water/ ratio closely.. And timing instructions. Same day pass. AMAZING!!!
Google baking soda cleanse. Follow the 1 Tbsp per 50lbs body weight instructions. Too much is bad.. Can make you very sick. After you test. HYDRATE AND pee as much as you can over next 6 hours. Otherwise you might cramp.. Try pedialite for kids, best to rehydrate. Soda is bad.
I did meth yesterday and got a month swab some time tomorrow what can I do to get it out
I been on methadone and detoxifying from it bad i can barely eat or anything but im also a regularly methamphetamine player so DRANK the baking soda/water 45Mins ago An just got sick then peed will i even
Be able to pee again or u think I am f&&Ked
How much would I use of hydronium peroxide and what would I put it in
I've flushed it out in 18 all depends on how bad you wanna pass it... run, sweat...turn the shower on hot and just sit in the bathroom..a gallon and a half will do in drug court and take the most advanced tests now..its all about how bad you want it.
I had methamphetamine on Sunday night and have to take a drug test Wednesday. How would I get it out of my system?
I'm in trouble!! I have a possible drug test tomorrow around 4:30 pm and I messed up and had some methamphetamine on Tuesday night!! Does anyone know if just drinking water will help me pass my u/a!!?? Please I'm desperate because if I test dirty them I go back to jail!! Please someone help me!!!
Most Recent Replies:
Hi, I take methamphetamine everyday. I have a urine test Monday at 3:00. Its Sunday at 4am now. Is there anything I can do?
Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.
No kidding, but the people that come to this website are looking for help after they have ALREADY taken methamphetamine and dont need some jacka** stating the OBVIOUS. not to mention, not all of them are in "recovery", some of them have only taken it once in their lifetime, and some just take it recreationally. they still however, have to live life and get jobs and sometimes that requires u to pass a drug, your comment was definitely the most unhelpful, and condescending post ive seen. If what you say isnt helpful, keep it to yourself mr. perfect.
Wash your mouth for a minute with peroxide and brush your teeth with it! Floss really good using peroxide. On the way sick on an altoid. Scope mouth wash works too but you can't be too safe
I have passed a hair test using over the counter head shop cleanser. Hair would be ultra cleans and for the body baking sodasoda!
Want to test clean, this is 100%, no lie, no scam, I did it myself roughly two weeks ago for a pre employment screening that was sent out to a lab and everything is good! Buy "monkey whizz"!
Lady Luck.. if you don't s**** your guts out and your stomach is all big and bloated, would I still be clean on my second pee? And I wasn't on the toilet hard core the rest of the day either. And I followed the instructions to a T.
Most definitely agree with you!
Please explain how this works! The Hydrogen Peroxide stunt. I need to use it!
I'm in drug court and have a test for methamphetamine. What do I do?
Is the baking soda trick a success? 100%? I am 5'7" 220lbs. Thinking of 4-5 tbl spoons for 16 oz of water?, I heard 3 hours before test, pee once n second pee I clean? Can someone explain to me how and what exacly I should do?
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