How To Function On Oxy?
UpdatedHello all.
I'll try to make this as short as possible.
I have chronic lower back and hip pain. I have had it all my life, but last year I had major surgery on my spine and my hips. This surgery increased the pain. Before the surgery, my pain was constant and at a 5-6. Now my pain is at 7-8, CONSTANTLY.
Therefor, I am on Oxy. I started out on hydrocodone, used that for roughly 2 years and 9 months ago was switched to oxy. I am given enough for 5 pills a day, (5mg).
Yes, I am addicted. Yes, I have abused oxy and hydro.
With all of this information, my question is:
How can I function as normally as possible on this drug? I have some serious chronic pain that oxy actually helps, but I find it hard to function.
By that I mean, I am always exhausted. I only want to lay around all day, every day.
I don't want to do anything I used to do. I don't want to be around people.
This is not me.
I have to use these opiates for my pain, but I can't live a normal life on them.
Its making me sick that I have become so worthless.
I'm stuck in a bad situation.
If anyone has any advice on how to learn to function on RX opiates, please let me know.
2 Replies
Hi, Lilla! How are you?
Unfortunately, I really don't have any idea how to change that. I know how awful it is, because I was on pain management for quite a few years, taking MS Contin with Oxycodone and I never found a way to change that, nor did it ever wear off, regardless of how long I took them, unlike other side effects.
I never abused them or suffered from addiction, just the normal dependence that occurs with regular use and I used to just have to force myself to get up out of bed and do things, or I'd lay in bed and sleep all day.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
I really wish I had some ideas to give you, but I don't.
Have you discussed it with your doctor? They may have some other solution that could help.
I have the same problem I would never get surgery no wayyy!!!
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