How Much Neurontin Should Anyone Take? (Page 2)
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I'm on 4200 mg of Neurontin a day. How much should anyone take? I'm sleepy a lot.

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I take 900 mg of Gabapentin a day for Trigerminal Neurolgia, I still have pain but seems to be no side effects from Gabapentin.

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I have severe neuropathy & take gabapentin (neurontin) 800mg every 8 hours. Plus I take avinza 120mg 3 capsules every 12 hours & oxycontin 80m 2 tablets every 12 hours. I feel sleeply also, but I don't know if it's the neurontin or a combination of everything. If I can, I take a nap every afternoon, but I also don't get up or get going until 10-11 o'clock everyday. Starting on my forth year of not being able to work because of how the meds make me feel & the pain in my feet. Don't know if this helps, but the neurontin never made me feel druck or anything else I can think of.

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I want to recive information about asthma

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I take 600mg daily and sometimes it makes me feel sleepy/makes me sleep a lot. I take it for 2 minor sezuires [of sorts] I had in the past and nerve pain in my neck/head.

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I take 900 mg a day for trigeminal neuralga. I tried taking 1200 mg a day but it made me feel sick. 900 works for me. I have no pain in the jaw and face now.

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this is a drug mainlt perscribed for it's anti_seziour proberty's. GABBApentin is the generic name, is has many use's but is all depends on you'r personal brain and body chemistry TALK TO YOUR DOC! it may not agree with you

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Neurontin has work well for me it help with my nerves in my arm/shoulder. however i notice since my refills they gave me the off brand that don't work

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It makes me fill drunk.

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I dont fell right when I take this drug.the Dr. give me this for leg pain. I fill as if I am toatlly drunk

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