How Many Norco 5 325 Equal A Fentanyl 25 Patch
UpdatedAll I need to know is how many norco 5's equal one 25mg fentanyl patch? I usually use fentanyl patches for my severe sciatica pain but I ran out and missed my regularly scheduled appt due to my husband having surgery. I do have a new appt but not for a week and I have norco 5's of mine I can take til then but I need to know how many will be close to the pain control I get from the patch.
10 Replies
The Fentanyl is much, much stronger, so you aren't actually going to be able to take an equivalent dose of the Norco, especially since it also contains Acetaminophen. Taking too much of it in a day can be fatally toxic.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Have you tried contacting your doctor's office and asking? They may have an idea to help you, until your appointment.
Just to give you an idea, you'd need 75mgs of the Hydrocodone to equal each 25mcg Fentanyl patch, which would be 15 tablets and you can't safely take more than 3,000mgs of Acetaminophen in a day.
Thank you for getting back to me! Why I needed to know was because my doctor just switched my script from taking four Norco 5's 3 times per day to the Fentanyl 25 patch every three days and it doesn't work that well so I just wanted to know the equivalent to the narcotic, hydrocodone only portion, of the pill it would equal. But I do see my doc next week to let him know. Ty ty for your help
Well, came to find out this morning, my brother in law (who lives with us) stole 4 if my 25mg fentanyl patch. Dr refuses to rewrite a script until my next appointment (end of this month) Question: Can i use my breakthrough generic norcos until I can refill. I must mention, I've only been on the patch for about 4 weeks.
Thank you in advance for any help!
My husband has liver cancer his taking Tylenol 4 /codeine 3-4x a day not helping can he take fentanyl 75 along with it ?
I go to a pain clinic for my pain medication and I am given two months supply at a time but my husband threw away a pile of paperwork and it had my scripts in it! I don't know what to do I have never lost a script in the 15 years I have been on the fentanyl 50mcg but pain clinic refuses to write a new script! I believe this is malpractice especially if I have never lost a script before! I do t know what to do because I have no meds for a month and I know I will go through withdrawal and be in severe pain. Does anyone know what I can do?
I'm agree with Mitty. My pain doc doesn't put up with losing RX, or meds. It is up to you to safely store, or put in a locked safe, like I do. All of my meds and scripts go in my safe. I sign an agreement with my doc. They don't put up with ANY BS stories about loosing scripts or meds. I say press charges against your family member for stealing from you. He should be in jail. I am a retired RN and agree that so much of these questions are stupid. Follow your doctors orders to the letter. It is folks like you who make it hard on those of us doing things correctly. I also put my meds in monthly pill containers so I know exactly what day I'm on. This is not brain surgery, just common sense. The pain doctors' licenses are in jeopardy. They have to protect themselves from prosecution by the state licensing agency so they don't loose their license.
Oh my!! have you tried Reflexology? It may sound like an easy fix but I had increasing Sciatic Pain 10 years ago, so bad I couldn't sit, stand, walk without the leg wanting to give out. Had a reflexology treatment and honestly I haven't had that pain for 9 years, the last year, I get the odd twinge but I give myself a little treatment and it goes away, SO worth trying rather than having to use Fentanyl. Maybe you've tried it already but I empathize with that pain and thought I'd mention how it helped me. If you massage around the outer ankle bone and it feels tender, it's sciatica, that is where the nerve innervates. Keep massaging a little every day as it will be very tender at first, the pain 'should' go away. Worth a try! Good luck!
Yes he can. I take hydro condone for break through pain and I am on a 75mcg fentenyl patch
Re: Florence nightingale (# 6)
Common sense is rare.Thank God I thought I was in la la land
trying to get off fentynal - period.
On 25's mcg. Am cutting the patch in half
(solid gum type not gel filled).
Been a week on 12's... planning two weeks.
Then to cut to Norco 5/325's.
Looking for the conversion ratio. ease through the withdrawal.
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