How Many Clonidine Pills Would Be Considered An Overdose? (Page 4)
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I was just informed that my family member just took 7 Clonidines. Is this an overdose? Please answer as soon as possible.

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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I am an insomniac as well so personaly speaking clonidine is too mild for my system. I take seroquel for sleep. Let me tell you somthing, that stuff gives me a full nights rest more then i could hope for with clonidine.

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I taken 4 and was fine, so go off that. I don't have much info about Clonidine, I'm just prescribed it.

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No blurred vision and dizziness major dehydration actually she's probably be dehydrated. For at least 24hrs she needs to drink Gatorade, not water (way too much water can cancel out all electrolytes and that can be fatal). I'm no doctor though.

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What kind of doctor do you have? Why aren't you on oxybutynin 5mg 2 times per day? They are for sweating. You should be seeing an addiction specialist to stop abusing drugs.

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reeree You ok ? yes 4 is more than recommended but probably wont kill you, just make you feel bad. You have to learn what your system can tolerate. You know the general rule is you can take less not more.Do so with caution.

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Is 4 clonidines considered an overdose taken all at once? I'm feeling really bad right now and I'm scared.

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How many clonidine do you take for sleep?? I'm an insomniac and don't have my sleeping meds??

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I take this med for sleep.

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Hi, I am prescribed 8x 0.2mg of chlonodine a day to control sweating. However for about the past 3 years I've been taking up to 20 a day to try and control sweating! Today I took about 23 and have been feeling dizzy etc and sleepy! I thought overdosing on chlonodine was harmless as I've never been told about any dangers from doctors etc? But I have just read a couple of forums on it.. And now am a bit worried. But I can't stand the excessive sweating which is why I take so much of it?! It rarely stops it altogether just reduces it to a more comfortable level.

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If I take 3 clondine at 0.1mg would that be an overdose?

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I sincerely hope that this person's family member suffered no ill effects.

When it comes to posts like this, it really can't be stressed enough that if you think the life or health of someone is in danger, please contact your nearest emergency treatment facility or take them in to one!

While there are always people on sites, such as this one, that will help if they can, there is nothing I can do to help you save a life, if that's what it comes down to. I cannot administer CPR or any type of life-saving measure over the Internet. I wish we could, but it just isn't possible.

And with this post, the dosage wasn't included, so there's no way anyone could really give proper guidance. If someone is used to the medication and takes higher doses, then they may not necessarily suffer any permanent ill effects from taking 7 of them. They could just be sick for awhile.

However, there is always a chance that they could suffer a dangerous overdose that could cause organ damage, organ failure and/or be fatal.

You can learn more Clonidine details here.

Are there any questions or comments?

Is there anything I can help with?

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