How Long Will Oxycodone Be Present In A Placenta (Page 6)
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I am 36 weeks pregnant and about a week ago i tested positive for opium when my doctor drug tested me. I took what i thought was a over the counter pain med cuz my back went out but apparently my "friend" had given me a 30 mlg oxy. now child protective services are involved and i was told once my child is born they will test the placenta for drugs and was wondering how long do oxys stay present for that kind of testing? please help i dont want to lose my kids.

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When you have your baby they with collect the urine from your baby for about the first 12hrs..and after that they will do a test on his/her bowl movement. Your baby stores their first bowl movement at about 6 months gestation so if youve been using since then at any rate it WILL show up..they may only do one of these tests and if it is only one it will be the bowl movement. This is a f***ing joke seriously why would you even take any type of pain medication during a pregnancy dont you know this can make your baby seriously brain damaged??? Your baby can go through serious withdrawl and in most cases they will have to detox your baby after he/she is born with a drip. I have seen babies screaming for days because it can be so intense and children who are affected by drug use of their mother during pregnancy typically wont show defects until around age 1. Delayed walking, talking, and normal behavior. It is very sad and I cannot believe mothers do this to their unborn children. Stop makign reservations with presciption drugs, just because they are prescribed doesnt mean its okay to take them. Substituting one drug for another isnt solving the problem its prolonging it. find a meeting and go to it.

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my daughter just had her baby at 30wks. the baby didnt make it. they found opiates and pot in my daughters system and are now testing the placents for it. they said if there is enough to prove this killed the baby they will contact cps and the police. she lives in north dakota. how much drugs is to much for a fetus at 30weeks

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I don't think they do the tests unless there is a reason, if the drs know the mothers have done drugs or the baby shows signs of withdraws. I would hope the state of Alabama would let the grandmother have temp custody of the baby. I wish you all the best, sorry I don't know 100%.

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I am a grandmother to be for the first time. My daughter is due mid June and i will hopefully make it in time for the birth. (she is in another state) I just found out that once in awhile during this pregnancy she smoked meth.I want to know how long it will show in the babies system either thru urin or the placentia. do you know if the state of Alabama test everyone? Do they always take the baby? Can the child be released to the Grandparent even if they live out of state? Please help I'm 2000 miles away and don't know what to do.

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My friend (seriously it smy friend) is preg n I was told she was doin pills (snortin) all up untill she was 7 months and I was wonderin do the docs do drug test on the baby/ babys placenta and would they have been doin drug test the whole time she was preg? I have had 2 kids n I ddint and never have done pills in my life n I would never have if i was preg especially! So ya I was wonderin do they drug test after baby is born? Or is it just random to some ppl?

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Im sorry but you are a liar and terrible mother already. You knew what you were taking and i believe you have taking them on a regular basis and the drs will be able to tell thru the tests they run. If you took a 30mg oxy thinking it was an asprin you would have become violently ill as the body is not used to such an extreme high dose. Get your life together for your baby, stop now for the health of your unborn child. get the rehab help you need to styop taking the oxy as it only leads to a life of destruction and having your chid taken from you forever

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Jazzy, if you aren't getting proper prenatal care, then yes, there is a definite risk to your baby.

It's also very dangerous to use the Oxycodone, while you are pregnant. It does pass through to the baby and could cause problems and they may be born addicted to it.

I strongly urge you, for both your health and that of your baby, to see a doctor for proper care, as soon as possible.


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Im 14 weeks pregnant I'm on 10/325 oxycodone. I haven't been to the obgyn what to for please help is baby in danger I need to know.

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Oxycodone would test positive for Oxycodone and its metabolites, it wouldn't test positive for Opium. Did you mean opiates?

The placenta can keep and show what you have taken for the full term of your pregnancy. They will be able to tell, by the amounts detected, if you have just taken one accidentally, or if you have been taking it regularly.

When you are pregnant, there are so many drugs that can adversely effect the baby, it is never wise to take anything, if you don't know what it is and, even if you do know what it is, you should consult your doctor, first.


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