How Long Will My Norco Prescription Last? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was prescribed to take 1-2 Norco every 8 hours as needed for pain. How long should they last me before my next prescription? Thanks
15 Replies
Hi Ava, wishing you a speedy recovery ... If you are taking one every 4 hours, then that's about 5 per day. 40 / 5 equals 8 days. If you wait to take one every 6 hours, that's about 3 per day. 40 / 3 is approx 13 days. So if you want an overall approximate average, then your prescription should last 10 days or so, depending on how often you take a dose.
Hi Tee - would you happen to know how many tablets in total are in the prescription bottle? Based on what you have said so far, 1 tablet every 8 hours is 3 tablets per day. So, that's about 90 tablets per month. Could you write back with how many tablets are in the entire prescription?
If you are taking 2 tablet every 8 hours, that is six tablets a day. Divide the number of tablets the prescription is for by the number of tablets you take a day. Or you can look on the information sheet from the pharmacy. It should have how many days the prescription should last.
I just had surgery and the dr wrote me a prescription for 40 hydrocodone (taking 2-4 every 4-6 hours) for pain. He said if I need a refill it could happen. How many days supply do I have?
Tc, let's calculate based on both the low and high end of what you have listed. (40 Hydrocodone Total)
Lowest consumption:
Taking 2 every 6 hours = 8 tablets per day / 40 tablets = 5 days
Highest consumption:
Taking 4 every 4 hours = 24 tablets per day / 40 tablets = 1.6 days
Middle consumption:
Taking 3 every 5 hours ≅ 14 tablets per day / 40 tablets = 2.86 days
So on average you can expect this prescription to last you for a few days. I hope this helps!
How long should 100 pills of hydrocodone 5/325 last if taken every 6 hours for pain? I take it for abdominal pain.
Slater - assuming that you're taking 1 pill every 6 hours, that's 4 per day. 100 pills total / 4 per day = 25 days. Does that sound about right? Or are you taking a different number of pills each day?
Regarding the liquid verses pill form of 7.5-325mg Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen, the quantity is 480 mL and I'm to take 15-30mL 6 times a day. How many doses is that? And how many 7.5 mg pills would equal 15 mL of 7.5 mg hydrocodone liquid?
@rhonda - 480 ml divided into 30 ml doses = 16 total doses. Divided into 15 ml doses = 32 total doses. And someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that one 15 ml dose is actually equal to one 7.5 mg pill. You are talking about the Lortab oral liquid (or generic), right? It should also say somewhere on the prescription vial something like 7.5-325mg/15 ml (or whatever the numbers are). I'd be interested to know!
I've had rotator cuff surgery on June 1st, 2017 in lots of pain. I started therapy 2 weeks ago and have been in pain since then. How long is forty 7.5/325mg Norco suppose to last, taking 1 every 4 to 6 hours a day? How long should I take this pain medication?
I have a very bad ovarian cyst for which my doctor prescribed me hydrocodone 10mg (to take one tablet by mouth every 6 hours as needed for pain). So when would my end date be? How long will 30 pills last?
I have 45 Hydrocodone 5/325 pills and on the bottle it just says take 1 tablet by mouth three times daily. How long of a supply is that?
@Danny: Sorry to hear about your cyst. To answer your question, if you take one tablet every 6 hours, that's about 3 per day. 30 tablets / 3 per day = 10 days.
@Nicole: 45 pills / three times daily = 15 days.
I had mouth surgery and was given 5/325 hydrocodone every 4/6 hours; taking 1 or 2. The quantity I was prescribed is 24. How many days is that, if I take 2 every 4 hours?
Lady Luck - I will assume that you are taking 5 doses per day (1 when you first wake up, then every 4 hours after, for a 16 hour day). For example, that would be a dosing schedule of something like:
1. 8:00 am
2. noon 12:00pm
3. 4:00pm
4. 8:00pm
5. midnight 12:00am
That being said, taking 2 tablets per dose across 5 doses would be 10 tablets per day. 24 tablets total / 10 tablets per day = 2.4 days. So you'd have 2 full days (20 tablets), and then 4 tablets left for 2 final doses on the third day.
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