How Long Will Morphine Sulfate Remain In My System


I have been taking .3ml of morphine sulfate oral solution (100mg per 5ml) every four to five hours. I only have a total of 30ml. How long can i expect this low dosage over several days to stay in my system. I may be asked to take a drug test in a couple of days.

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Morphine is usually detectable in a standard urine test for approximately 4 to 5 days, after last dosing.

Learn more Morphine details here.

If you have a prescription, however, it shouldn't be a problem, you should just inform them of that, when you have the test done.

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i do not know why your m.d. has you on a high dose of morphine. there are only 2 pain meds that are not man made morphine codeine all the others come from other plants not poppy. oxycodone is derived from the plant thebain.this is why it is the most wanted drug not only is it a great pain releiver its also a good exstremly careful with morphine it is known drop your blood pressure depresse your breathing do not take morphine before you go to bed except in a low dose.

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