How Long Will Little Bit Of Opana Stay In My System
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I taken maybe 2-5 mg of opana for pass 3 days now. No more no less. Will that be out of my system by friday? Curious, i have drug screen, any advice?

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I understand completely my problem is I took like 15 or more opana 40s in 6 or 7days and 21 days later im pain that it IS STILL in my system would luv whom ever could help with this it will be done in lab (panel) of course I'm pretty much banking its no but praying that its yes HELP? PLZ!!!PLZ!!!PLZ!!!

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Hi Mike,

You might find the discussion thread below to be helpful since one of the guys in there was in a similar situation, but had only so many hours before his test and still came up clean (but diluted):

Hope this helps!

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i had just a line of opana40 an i got test comeing up n 4 days but i have been taken water pills an drink about 2 gallons a day well i pass ???

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Thanks for ur reply to my question very much appreciated. I cant really do the math on it cus im not exactly sure how much it is i just knw it was very itty bitty line in morning nite and next morning my girlfriend says maybe 15 mg total for the 3 days, i never dne b4 jus had abscess tooth and antibiotics havent helped all the way yet. I do weigh 200 lbs 6ft2 and dnt smoke or do any drugs tht was jus cus the hydro thy gave me didnt do s***, so i just bought one of 30mg opana off the street my gf did all the rest.

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Opana (oxymorphone) has a half-life of roughly 7-9 hours. Knowing this, you can simply divide the dose you took in half every 7-9 hours and so forth until the math becomes small decimals. This can give you an idea of how much of your dose is still in your system at any given time.

Keep in mind though that the length of time following drug use for which a positive result may occur is dependent upon several factors including the frequency and amount of usage, metabolic rate, excretion rate, drug half-life, and the drug user’s age, weight, activity, and diet.

All in all, I wouldn't worry since you took a small dose and gave yourself a couple days notice. I'm no doctor, but based on the info above I think you should be fine.

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