How Long Will It Take To Lose 20 Pounds On Contrave?
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Hello. I am just on day 2 of Contrave and was wondering, as I only really need to lose 20 pounds, is this the right drug for me? I don't mind if it takes a few months. I just need to stop sugar and carb cravings that I have had which added these 20 to my 5'2" small frame. At my height, that's a whole new wardrobe that I don't want to buy.
3 Replies
Re: mshil2 (# 2)
Hi, I took it for 2 weeks and had to stop. Super nauseous and weird. Did not eat much but only lost 1 pound. Constipation was horrific along with major crazy dreams! Wasted 99$.. oh well.
I started Contrave one week ago and I have gained a pound. I can't seem to get that full feeling. Is this normal? At what dosage does Contrave kick in? I have had no side effects, so far. I will be starting the2 pills cycle (morning and evening) today.
There is no set schedule anyone can give you, since we are all different, plus it depends on your diet and activity levels.
The FDA warns that it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, insomnia, and anorexia.
How are you doing on it?
Can anyone else that's taken this medication chime in?
I'm currently converting most of wardrobe to Lularoe clothing, not because I need to, just because I want, so I guess I am not a good advisor for that. LOL
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