How Long Should I Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking 600 Mg Of Morphine (Top voted first)


I took 600 mg of morphine 46 hours ago and about 22 mg of percocet about 17 hours ago. I'm trying to figure out how long I should wait to take suboxone bc I'm scared if I take it to soon it will send me into instant withdrawals. PLEASE HELP!

4 Replies

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Hi Renee! Before you can take suboxone you MUST be in withdrawals. If you take it before that, you could get bad withdrawals. PAWS!

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Hi Renee! Before you can take suboxone you MUST be in withdrawals. If you take it before that, you could get bad withdrawals. PAWS! I'm sorry, I meant PW.

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I have been taking MS Contin 60 mg. my last dose was 7pm last night it's now today 12 afternoon. When can I take my sub

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I took subutex this morning after 1 hour of taking opiates.... Do I need to wait longer to start taking my subutex or I can take it now?

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