How Long For Loss Of Appetite From Ozempic?
UpdatedJust started Ozempic for weight loss. In my 4th week and now taking 0.5mg... I don’t really feel any loss of appetite. Does it take a little longer for that to kick in? I have had no side effects which makes me wonder if it’s even working? Lol
3 Replies
I took my first dose of Ozempic and feel nothing, no side effects at all. I am hungry and there is no reduction in appetite. Anyone else? I wanted to lose weight.
Re: Theresa (# 1)
I started with 1mg and the next day was nauseous and vomited after eating. I quickly learned that I cannot eat the same portions plus my appetite greatly diminished. After 4 months I lost 30 lbs and have minor side effects. Fatigue is my major side effect. If you are feeling nothing ask your Dr to up the dosage. I just saw my Dr and he felt like I've hit a plateau on the weight loss so I will start 2mg. Then he told me that he did study trials for Mounjaro (tirzepatide) and said it works even better and will switch me to that when it's available. It was just FDA approved and will be on the market next month. So if Ozempic doesn't work there is hope for this other medication. Hopefully increasing the dose will work for you. Take care.
I started Ozempic on September 11th 0.25 dose. Tomorrow will be the 3rd dose at that and then next week after that 1 more before I go up to 0.25.
I went to my appointment with the doctor and the scale was way off from mine at home. They had 305 and the one I use at home regularly said 298.1 that morning.
I have 2 scales so I went home and weighed myself on the other scale and got 305.2.
I’ve kept track on both.
September 9th I was 298.1 at home and 305 at doc.
September 11th - 298.4 forgot to do other scale
September 18th - 294 and 297.4 - 1 week on Ozempic.
Tomorrow I will do my weigh in again at 2 weeks but today I was 292.1 and 295.2.
Seems to be working. Right away my appetite was gone. I’ve been doing the intermittent fasting only eat from 12pm to 8pm everyday. During that time and after 8pm I don’t get hunger signs at all. I just eat much less. Even when I get sushi now I only eat usually half and share some with the family.
I haven’t been working out. I was doing light swimming or treading water during the 2 weeks but it’s cold out now.
I’m going to start to do some working out on the elliptical, exercise bike and weights but will be starting off slow maybe 30 minutes everyday starting next week.
How many days has it been since you gave the injection?
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