How Long Does The Time Release Last On These Pills?


I was just given one of these pills as a substitute to taking 12 "512" percs a day. What am I to expect? How long is the time release? When should I take more if I ate some at 9am? Do they destroy you like the original OCs do?

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I am reffering to the 20 mg OP. Sorry!

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Hi Heidi,

I personally don't have any experience with this medication, but thought I'd offer some information I've gathered, just to help you out:

"Take OxyContin (OP) every 12 hours. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible. Take your next dose 12 hours later. Call your healthcare provider if you are not sure about your dose of OxyContin or when to take it."

Seeing this, I'm assuming that the time release effect lasts up to 12 hours. I could be wrong, but I do know that shortly within those 12 hours, the drug would've reached it's peak concentration in your plasma blood levels, and I would think that you should be able to notice some difference in how you feel as the effects begin to wear off by the 12 hour mark.

If you run a google search for "oxycodone op half life" and click on the first link, you will find an abundance of information on this medication, how to take it, any precautions to follow, and much more.

I hope this helps!

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