How Long Does It Takes Meloxicam 15mg
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How long does it take for this Mopic to work? My doctor prescribed Mopic 15 mg once per day for arthritis So far, I only took second pill today. I had pain in my knee cap and my hands. Now the pain is gone but I went outside today for a little bit and now I have a pain in left leg toward the part where the leg meet the ankle. Does the pain move to a different of the body? I need to get back to work as soon as I can. I live here in Southern California so the weather is not too bad.
4 Replies
Check your uric acid..
That is what seems to cause pain in my joints.
I take Topomax and Lipitor at bedtime and was thinking of taking the Meloxicam in the evening as well since it can cause drowsiness. Will these drugs have a negative interactions if taken too close togetjer?
Hi, thanks for your reply. I am waiting for doctor to call me back with a different prescription. Last night, I noticed that I had a rash on my back and my legs, but this morning I noticed that the rash was almost gone. I didn't take the pill this morning. I am about 4 hours late in taking. I was in pain this morning with my left arm and my two thumbs. So the pain had definitely move to a different area. But since I didn't take it today, I feel somewhat a little better. I feel like this medication was making it worse than the initial start.
Hello, May! How are you?
While this medication can relieve pain, you can still experience breakthrough pain, so the pain doesn't move, this medication just doesn't prevent it all.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.
It should start to work within 15 to 20 minutes of taking it.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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