How Long Does It Take Hydrocodone To Get Out Of Your System For A Urine Test? (Page 5)
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I was wondering how long hydrocodone stays in your system for a urine test? I took three on Sunday before 2 and have a drug test Tuesday at 2. If I drink alot of water will it help. I have a prescription for ocycodone so that's all I want to show up. Thanks.

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I just had a baby and my back kills me alot and i have to take a drug test wednesday will da hydro so up yes or no

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hi my name is Teresa I've been on vicodin for about 15 years they stop vicodins ayear go they replaced me with Norco,which i think is a hydrocodone today is August the 18th 2015 I stopped my first taking 1 I'm trying to go cold turkey how long does it take will you to detox question

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I need to test positive for hydrostatic at 9am but ran short this month took 1 and a half 10s Saturday at 11:30pm will I test positive at 9:00 am wed

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There is no reason for anyone to suffer withdrawal from detox. Take this information for what its worth or not. If run out of meds for whatever reason, there is a chemical called Loperimide which is the active ingredient in Immodium, a common over the counter diareah med. Depending on your tolerance level, you can take 10 to 20 units or more or less, and it will GREATLY REDUCE withdrawal symptoms. It is s miracle. Although there are side effects with any drug, the worst is that you may be"stopped up" but drinking lots of fluids will remedy that and "what goes in will surely come out". This stuff works. Don't take my word for it. Use your own due diligence and do your own research. Loperimide is like one molecule different than Fentanyl or something like that. Loperimide attaches to the same receptors as narcotics do but the loperimide is "kicked off" of the receptors. It does nothing for pain and there is no euphoria. BUT IT DOES RELIEVE WITHDRAWAL. SPREAD THE WORD. NO ONE HAS TO SUFFER ANYMORE.

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Obviously no one is paying attention to respond. Most of us asking questions have the knowledge we are just seeking assurance. Don't bother.
I will find out soon enough as I took a few 10mg hydros late Sat nigjt/early Sunday am and then was hit with a UA approximately 60 hours later.
To this question all over the net the response seems to be 2-3-4 days depending on your physical makeup. I have an above average metabolism and drank a lot of water right before test and peed a couple times before it. Ironically, I do that anyway to make sure I can pee enough lol. Nothing worse than being held there for two hours or longer because you didn't pee enough. Mine was sent to lab and again it had been 60 hours. That's cutting it really really close.
What's worth noting is that unlike other drugs that are stored in fat cells, opiates are soluble. Meaning that with lots of liquid or things like niacin, you can help it out faster. So with lots of activity to sweat (not all at once, but spread out), drinking a lot of fluids you can shave a day maybe even 36 hours off it. With past experiences I know that after 80 hours it is out if you just took a couple times. Now if you're dependent daily, it will take a full four days easily, probably take 100-120 hours to be able to pass a test.
Where a lot of us thrill seekers are when we search this, is wandering about that sweet spot between 48-72 hours. Mine was 60 last week and I will get results back from lab this week. If I had a question to anyone, and I do that's why I'm even on here, is that if it does show positive could I claim it to be tramadol? I have a really old script for that, but nevertheless the drug court probation officer that came to my house (yeah they do house visits) looked right at it and said that's okay it isn't a narcotic. Everything I have read, and honestly how I felt after taking yeah its a narcotic. I actually took a tramadol night before the test. But hey they looked right at it and said okay so.....
Guess I'll know in a few days whether I'll be sanctioned or what.
But to everyone looking on here, don't just ask the question, be a sport and share how your result went. It's really selfish not to and to just ask when worried but not post how your story ended so others can learn from it!!!

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Not true at all. If you have even a rudimentary understanding of half-life and a bit of medical knowledge, these answers are easy to find. Learn something about pharmacology, such as how to search for full prescribing information for medical professionals, and buy a 1 or 2 year old PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) from an academic library book sale. The information is available, and you SHOULD know what whatever you take is going to do to you.

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It will show up the same as oxy and Roxy all opiates

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on Thursday I took 6 hydrocodone 10 milligrams will I be clean by Monday

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I took two Norco 10 Thurs night n have a drug test on Monday will I test positive for opiates

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If I took a half of loratab ten Sunday will it show up wendsday in a screen test?

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I took one hydrocodone on friday and 2 on saturday but wont take any sunday....will I be able to pass a drug test if given one on monday or tuesday and thry send it to a lab

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Took 2 IP 109 hydrocodone pills at 12:30 for back pain. I have a drug test Wed the 29th. Will it show up?

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I took a drug test on 3-2-15!! I take percocet and zanex!! My dr said it showed positive for them but also hydrocodone!!_How could this happen I've not taken Amy of those in years I'm so upset?

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Can someone explain how I failed a drug test 3 times and each time I did not take any pain med for 6-8 days!!!!!!

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I take a half of a lortab a day for 3 months. How long to get out of my system for a drug test. Test in 2 days.

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well, hydros normally take three days to be out of your system, the somas I don't know however, xanax, stays in your system for up to 160 days. You can test for it one day and not take one for over a month and it pops up.

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You don't have to tell your future employer about any meds that you have a script for, when you go take your drug test show them your bottles or scripts and they can't tell your employer, they only tell them if you test positive with no prescription

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I have a urine test on Thursday I took 2 10_500mg lartab Sunday night will I pass or will I fail ? I'm super worried I took them for my arm I had surgery on years ago an frequently have problems with it.

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I take two 7.5/325's every 4 hours for a cervical spine injury, I have been prescribed this for many years. How long should it take to show negative for opiates on a urinalysis? I've showed my future employer my script and they've verified it but they still have a problem with me being positive for opiates. I told them I would retest if necessary, but I'd like to know how long before its untraceable thru a urinalysis.

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I've been taking hydrocodone 10's and somas and xanax every day I need to know how long will it stay in my system if I have to take a urine test

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