How Long Does It Take Hydrocodone To Get Out Of Your System For A Urine Test? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I was wondering how long hydrocodone stays in your system for a urine test? I took three on Sunday before 2 and have a drug test Tuesday at 2. If I drink alot of water will it help. I have a prescription for ocycodone so that's all I want to show up. Thanks.

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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Well u r going to need to keep taking your Rx. Do they have a problem with that? I have taken hydrocodone per Rx for years and have not had an employer with a problem over a positive test. If you would be operating machinery or driving you should probably not be using this med.

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Hello all to answer you're questions I am in pain management.. I am on Suboxone that saved my life because I was addicted to hydrocodone! I slipped up and took 10 pills a day or more for 6 straight days (Also With AZO'S Every Day) without taking the Suboxone on those 6 days, then stopped The hydrocodone and continued on with Suboxone for eight days and I had a 12 panel drug test on that 8th day at 10:30 I drank a gallon of water each day for five days on the eighth day was test time, so it had only been out of my system for 7 days really 8 if you count test day as well!! I'm 5'8 and weigh 140pounds! I knew and had been warned that if it was in my system I would be arrested or be kicked out period No questions asked per the dr. so I was so worried until I saw him again in 2 weeks,doesn't matter they're all pills you had or a prescription you just happen to pick up your out or worse jail! I passed so needless to say I will never be stupid enough to even consider doing it ever again in my entire life I will stay on the Suboxone! Glad I passed or it was over for me so 7 or 8 full days for hydrocodone not to show up on a 12 panel test. I know this is old but I'm just letting you all know that I would at least give it "7" full days! Thank you Brandy

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May you mean tomorrow? Or did you mean a week from now? If tomorrow then your friend will fail! If you meant next Thursday which would be a week then yes it would be gone. Hope that helps!

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Could you be more specific? I know it takes 7 full days on a 12 panel drug test.. Depends on the panel really and if it is in fact sent to a lab.
So maybe but you need at least 7 full days! Hope all works out for you

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No it at the mist takes 5 days sometimes 7 so it will show depending on the panel drug test but it will showed definitely no matter how much water you drink

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hey may just to let you know hydrocodone doesn't stay in your system long at all, I know this I dranked a lot of water 2 days before my urine test and passed but your friend needs to drink a lot of water and pee a lot before her test

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well lonzo they leave your system quick I beat a urine test in 2 days so at least 3 days before stop em drink lots of water and pee a lot as much as u can if that's what ur trying to do good luck keep me posted

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I took 1 Hydrocodone on Monday around 4:00 I have a ua on Thursday. First time user will I pass?

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Seriously? They are both opiets... Shows up the same dumb ass

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your not clean if u go to the methadone clinic wtf

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I took 1- 5/325 hydrocodone and1- 10 flexril last night would they be out of system today for urine.

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If I take 2 lortab 7.5s on Tuesday will I be clean by Friday if I pee in a cup and they send it to a lab

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i took two lortab norco 5mg on Thursday around 1 and later that night I took a Vicodin 10 mg first time taking the both, I dove into a pool and messed my nose up and I was hurting pretty bad so I bought some medicine off of my friends because I have outstanding debt with some of the clinics around where I live, and I had to take a 10 panel drug test on Saturday almost 48 hours after taking them to be sent off at a lab.. What are the odds that I passed? I bought a 30 dollar at home drug test and it said I passed everything, and I took it right after I took the one to send off to be tested at a lab. I am about 5'11 150 pounds and I drink only water, and I work a lot but am not very active. I consider my size to be about normal. I am really freaking out and just want to see what my chances are and any help will help a lot.

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If you have a legitimate script, wouldn't it be illegal of them no not to hire you-unless ofcourse you are operating machinery or driving.

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I took a couple hydrocodones, nothing but my prescribed medication for 3 days and still came up dirty, it was over 72 hours and I wasn't taking but a few a day.
It's a new lab, not sure what type of tests they are doing over there but they are highly sensitive. Actually hydromorphone a metabolite came up and they asked me if I used Dilaudid. :/ I suggest everyone who gets tested gives at least 5 days, these new tests are extremely sensitive.

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I took a hydo pill yesterday and have a drug test tomorrow how can I clean my system asap

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I took 3 percocets yesterday i need to go to my dr toget my monthly sub but they doing a drug test u thinkbymonday they still in my sistem i hope please tell me

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I took 3 hydro 10/325 at 7:30 am, will it show up by 10:30 am at my Dr visit?

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Usually for court or probation it's a ua the officer is present in bathroom and it's tested there and then. Anything you've taken will come out. Like opiates and benzos. Opiates 2-3 days. Benzos can last up to a week. And it can last a little longer if overweight, slow metabolism,and or you don't drink lots of fluids.

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I so agree with you Andrea!!! Methadone saved my life too!!

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