How Long Does It Take Hydrocodone To Get Out Of Your System For A Urine Test? (Page 4)
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I was wondering how long hydrocodone stays in your system for a urine test? I took three on Sunday before 2 and have a drug test Tuesday at 2. If I drink alot of water will it help. I have a prescription for ocycodone so that's all I want to show up. Thanks.

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May you mean tomorrow? Or did you mean a week from now? If tomorrow then your friend will fail! If you meant next Thursday which would be a week then yes it would be gone. Hope that helps!

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Hello all to answer you're questions I am in pain management.. I am on Suboxone that saved my life because I was addicted to hydrocodone! I slipped up and took 10 pills a day or more for 6 straight days (Also With AZO'S Every Day) without taking the Suboxone on those 6 days, then stopped The hydrocodone and continued on with Suboxone for eight days and I had a 12 panel drug test on that 8th day at 10:30 I drank a gallon of water each day for five days on the eighth day was test time, so it had only been out of my system for 7 days really 8 if you count test day as well!! I'm 5'8 and weigh 140pounds! I knew and had been warned that if it was in my system I would be arrested or be kicked out period No questions asked per the dr. so I was so worried until I saw him again in 2 weeks,doesn't matter they're all pills you had or a prescription you just happen to pick up your out or worse jail! I passed so needless to say I will never be stupid enough to even consider doing it ever again in my entire life I will stay on the Suboxone! Glad I passed or it was over for me so 7 or 8 full days for hydrocodone not to show up on a 12 panel test. I know this is old but I'm just letting you all know that I would at least give it "7" full days! Thank you Brandy

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So for instance friend of mine took four of the 5mg hydrocodone should be clean by Thursday morning for a drug test for a job if she drinks a lot water n took a water pill too?

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Well u r going to need to keep taking your Rx. Do they have a problem with that? I have taken hydrocodone per Rx for years and have not had an employer with a problem over a positive test. If you would be operating machinery or driving you should probably not be using this med.

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big james I'm not sure I weigh 150ibs and passed a test in 2 days but I drinked a lot of water I mean a lot. One day I peed I know nearly 20 times so I recommend you do this and keep me posted. Good luck!

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Normally one should allow 4 days for an opiate to be out of your system. Usually Hydrocodone, takes 3 days provided, your taking the required amount, However if you've been taking more than 6 per day, It will take 4 days.

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How long Do it take for four 7.5 hydros to get out Of your system if u weigh 300 pounds?

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I take oxycodone 7.5\325 every 4 hours for cancer. I took the last one on 2\7. Will it still show up in my urine on 2/12? I hope so.

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you should be good I quit hydrocodone on a Wednesday went for a urine test two days later and passed you need to drink plenty of water and pee a lot I weigh 150 and I'm 5'6. On one day I peed 19 times maybe this will give you a idea I'm not taking this chance again but do what I said and you will be ok good luck

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What was the answer,would the hydrocodone show up on the drug test you had to take?

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I was wondering if you pass I took a urine test. On the 3 rd day after taking hydrocodone. For. A week I stopped on a Wednesday and was tested Friday morning what chance do I have I'm scared to death I'm on tramadol and I'm afraid of losing my med I hope you passed please reply back

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If I take a drug test Tues an I'm a heavy person an I've taken loritabs on last Mon, Tues, wed Thur none on Fri ,sat, sun, Mon, will the loritabs 10s be out my system if drink plenty water

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I took 3 hydro 5s on Fri & 2 on Saturday & 1/2 Sunday about 10 am. I have a urine screen Tuesday @ noon. Don't take them regularly, Will They Be Out Of My System By Tuesday @ Noon?!

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I took 4 5mg Hydros on Thursday at 11pm and haven't taken any since. I have a drug test Monday at 2pm.. Will I pass my drug test. I have intaken over 1 gallon of water and several fruit juices. I weight 166 and Im 5'7. will I pass bc I am very worried.

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They stopped making lorab 10 500 2 years ago so that could not have been what u took

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I would like to know, how long does it take to completely get the oroid hydrocodone out of our system

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How long does it take to get the o poriod hydroxodone out of my system when I stop taking it.I Dont want to overdose

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I took 2 5mg hydrocodone on Saturday morning. I had a drug screen exactly 7 days later (almost to the hour) and I tested positive. I'm not a regular user and I have a prescription so I'm covered. I let them know prior to the test that I had a prescription just to be safe. They sent the sample to a lab to test the actual levels of the drug in my urine. Just thought that I'd share this.

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Actually I was in this situation and they refused to hire me even with my script for proof!

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I took a sanx on sat. 2 Norco on Sunday. Now I gotta take yest on Tuesday at any time I want. What should u do think I'll b ok

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