How Long Does It Take Hydrocodone To Get Out Of Your System For A Urine Test? (Page 4)


I was wondering how long hydrocodone stays in your system for a urine test? I took three on Sunday before 2 and have a drug test Tuesday at 2. If I drink alot of water will it help. I have a prescription for ocycodone so that's all I want to show up. Thanks.

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I didn't get the answer how long does it take to get to hydro out of your I got a drug test Tuesday at 2 o'clock how long does it take to get out of my system please answer and a better quick answers

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well lonzo they leave your system quick I beat a urine test in 2 days so at least 3 days before stop em drink lots of water and pee a lot as much as u can if that's what ur trying to do good luck keep me posted

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I took 1 Hydrocodone on Monday around 4:00 I have a ua on Thursday. First time user will I pass?

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Seriously? They are both opiets... Shows up the same dumb ass

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your not clean if u go to the methadone clinic wtf

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I took 1- 5/325 hydrocodone and1- 10 flexril last night would they be out of system today for urine.

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If I take 2 lortab 7.5s on Tuesday will I be clean by Friday if I pee in a cup and they send it to a lab

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i took two lortab norco 5mg on Thursday around 1 and later that night I took a Vicodin 10 mg first time taking the both, I dove into a pool and messed my nose up and I was hurting pretty bad so I bought some medicine off of my friends because I have outstanding debt with some of the clinics around where I live, and I had to take a 10 panel drug test on Saturday almost 48 hours after taking them to be sent off at a lab.. What are the odds that I passed? I bought a 30 dollar at home drug test and it said I passed everything, and I took it right after I took the one to send off to be tested at a lab. I am about 5'11 150 pounds and I drink only water, and I work a lot but am not very active. I consider my size to be about normal. I am really freaking out and just want to see what my chances are and any help will help a lot.

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If you have a legitimate script, wouldn't it be illegal of them no not to hire you-unless ofcourse you are operating machinery or driving.

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I took a couple hydrocodones, nothing but my prescribed medication for 3 days and still came up dirty, it was over 72 hours and I wasn't taking but a few a day.
It's a new lab, not sure what type of tests they are doing over there but they are highly sensitive. Actually hydromorphone a metabolite came up and they asked me if I used Dilaudid. :/ I suggest everyone who gets tested gives at least 5 days, these new tests are extremely sensitive.

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I took a hydo pill yesterday and have a drug test tomorrow how can I clean my system asap

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I took 3 percocets yesterday i need to go to my dr toget my monthly sub but they doing a drug test u thinkbymonday they still in my sistem i hope please tell me

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You must take your hydrocodone approximately 3 to 4 hours before your urine test ..The cutoff level for detection was raised from 300 ng/ml to
2000 ng/ml a few years ago . Too many false positives were being detected because of poppy seeds showing up drug screening. After 5 hours, the amount of opiates has fallen below the 2000 level. The confirmatory testing done after the first test is also set at a threshold of 2000 ng/ml and will also show no opiates .
I believe that a lot of doctors know this but use this as an excuse to remove patient's from prescribed opiates .

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Drinking a lot of water will wash ant drug out of your system faster

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I took 3 hydro 10/325 at 7:30 am, will it show up by 10:30 am at my Dr visit?

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76 a patient at a methadone clinic for the last 3 years I can tell you and anyone else that you must have had someone in your life completely screw up with methadone for you to feel this way about it. It's a drug and they are dangerous yes, but this one is actually safer when taken correctly than most other opiates. It actually blocks other opiates so that you really don't want to take them as they don't help with pain or make you feel high anymore. It shouldn't be taken with benzo's and that's where people who die from O.D.'s usually screw up but we haven't had a single over dose or death at the clinic I attend in over 20 years so it's not the big bad monster you are making it out to be. It's the only opiate I've ever taken that keeps me from withdrawal, helps with pain, allows me to work and be an active, alert member of society, and take care of my family and children without feeling or acting high. I feel nothing but normal on it and my dose at one time was up to 130mg. I really wish people who know nothing about a medication wouldn't try and tell everyone how bad and horrible it is. It has saved my life and I've had surgery during my time at the clinic and was given pain meds afterward by docs who knew what i was on and while they didn't work very well they had no problem giving them to me even though I'm on methadone because they can be safe if you know what you are doing. I have also taken cough syrup and had an occasional drink with the blessing of my counselor with zero adverse effects. You should always make sure you are giving correct information when you post to something like this because otherwise you just look like a typical, hateful liar.

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Opiates usually stay in your system for 2-3 days. 72 hours max. Xanax (benzo) can show up to 2 weeks depending on the amount and body weight etc. If you have only taken a couple for a few days (other words, not consistent everyday use) in 7 days you will be good to go. This is not guessing, this is from years of drug testing (probation, doctors, methadone clinic). I am a female 5' 3" 140 lbs... If you know you have a drug test coming up TRY your hardest to refrain from all drugs... Its the best way to do it!!! The stress is so not worth it.. But i know that being an opiate addict that is much MUCH easier said then done. I remember battling to get clean and everyday it was "my last day, my last pill" that went on for a LONG time.. People say "you cant just wait couple days??" What they don't understand is day 1 is the hard day 2 harder.. If i could make it 3 days i could get clean.. the first few days are the hardest.. I battled this for years.. Started with vicodin and lortab and then percocet then roxicodone 15s then 30s then heroin.... I have 2 years clean thanks to the methadone clinic!! People say is the worst opiate and blah blah.. But i know one thing id rather be addicted to a drug that has changed my life for the better then on heroin just bc "they" say methadone is worse.. It really does not make sense.. most people i hear knocking it are the ones who are still using and HAVE NEVER went to a clinic... I want to be very very clear... Methadone CLINIC changed my life.. Taking my meds there being drug tested holds me accountable.. I would not recommend a rx of methadone.. bc if your like me ESP in the beginning stages of getting clean i would have abused it and it just wouldn't have worked. The CLINIC worked for me... My ONLY regret is waiting so long.. I could have saved myself years of suffering...But reading these damn posts and listening to what people say about it on the street, it scared me. So here's what i suggest, and it works... If you cant stay clean off opiates because of dts and you dont want to try the clinic then try your hardest to get suboxone or subutex. Subs are buprenorphine and they DO NOT show up on any drug test.... UNLESS it is specifically a sub test... very very rare.. they are very expensive... also if you get clean and get the urge one day... sub will come in handy most people dont know but if your clean, and i mean few months clean and you do @ mlg (if its an *8mlg strip break into 4 strips it will give you an opiate effect... exactly like you just took a pill... And it will last 24 hours.. Its much much safer... If you are in the middle of your addiction (depending on the type of opiates the strength and amt) I was doing oxycodones 30 mlg 10 -15 a day.. I tried suboxone i felt NOTHING but wasn't sick!! in order to "feel" subs you HAVE to be clean!! If you need any help or have any questions please write me back... Do not write me with questions pertaining to drug testing... I gave my advice/experience.. But if you have questions about the methadone clinic or getting clean, staying clean, please ask. {edited for privacy}... I was you!! I am you!!!

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Usually for court or probation it's a ua the officer is present in bathroom and it's tested there and then. Anything you've taken will come out. Like opiates and benzos. Opiates 2-3 days. Benzos can last up to a week. And it can last a little longer if overweight, slow metabolism,and or you don't drink lots of fluids.

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I so agree with you Andrea!!! Methadone saved my life too!!

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Ah good for you. Methadone saved me. Due to major abuse during childhood I really needed something to take the edge off. As it was I got hep a and then b to the point of near death. After a few years I went down 1 mg a week for a year. It still was hard a few weeks before I was off, and for a month I felt so exhausted I didn't want to walk across the room. But I did it and was clean for a very long time, plus did counseling and antidepressants. Until I developed a chronic pain issue. I've not done too bad, for the last year I haven't run out early until this month. My question is, I've heard if you have chronic pain issues they refuse to give you methadone. That scares me, plus my doctor has said repeatedly that I need more pain meds but he is sick of doing the paperwork, so I get 4 percs a day now. I'm getting woefully inadequate treatment of the pain, and under extreme stress of a divorce atm. I'm about ready to go off the deep end. Do you know if they refuse treatment to a legal addict due to pain? Thanks.

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