How Long Does Valium Stay In Your System? (Page 9)


I've taken maybe five or six Valium in the past two weeks. The last one about two days ago. Other than that I have not taken anything besides Suboxene. Does anyone know how long it takes to get out of your system?

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Sorry but no I wont. Had not had one for two weeks but still came back in test no prob for me as Dr knew bout it.Good luck

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too take Valium and Suboxone, How long have you been taking them. The Suboxone got me off the opiods, but that was 5 years ago. That's crazy..I know! I want to start cutting back, but the minute I get stressed, I go back to original dose. (which is 8 mg film a day.) as for the Valium...DAMN. That's the same as my beer at the end of the day, but now that's becoming a problem. The don't even phase me. I can take 90 mg. in a week and it's no big deal. I sleep good but that's about it. Then I go a month with out them and have no withdrawl. So I justify it. I need the discipline to take no more than 2 or 3 on stressful days and none when its all good. I am a TRIHOLIC. If I try it and like it I abuse it.
On a up more booze, opiods, coke ettc...
I've been through hell and back and am lucky to be alive. Just found out I got Hep C..Now what?

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The half life of valium is 100 hours. It can be up to six weeks after taking just one pill

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Probably one of those rigtous doctors that "earned" their degree because Mommy and Daddy provided all the funding. Like my Dr. Niece who has no idea of the real issues in the world and hasn't had to take 1 class in communication to become a doctor. All she knows in skiing in the alps, vacations in the Hamptons, etc. I love hearing Dr.'s with these attitudes.

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If you are prescribed both Suboxone and Valium it should be alright because if you are actually prescribed both that job cannot doing anything about it. So when you go take your drug test tell them what you are prescribed and you should be okay.

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166 don't know what you are talking about. The mgs that it's prescribed are 5 and 10 mg. So she took or he took 10 mg's three times. That's not overdosing!

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My friend too 20 ten mg Valium in a 48 hour period how long before he can take a UA an show clean

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I took 10mg of Valium once a night for three days about 3 weeks ago. Today, I had my drug screen for pain management- Doc came in, told me "ok and we have Dilaudid, Norco and ambien in your urine, perfect!" (As that's what I'm prescribed). I was pretty shocked that it came in without the Valium especially 30mg total not showing up. Hope this helps someone but it was ok for me!

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This medicine stays in your body , depending on wieght , up to 6 weeks . But in general 4 weeks is a given . The shelf life is long . If you need to pass a urine test anytime soon , I reccomend peebesure ... this does cover up almost all drugs . Just follow the instruction . However I do not condone the use of drugs period . Unless doctors orders .

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Yea these were prescribed by a doc, just a while ago (before my first back surgery in October of last year)... I found them when I lifted the couch cushions lol. No bottle but if it were a problem, she could have just called my ortho surgeon and hashed it out, just a hassle.

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How tall are you, how much do you weigh and how much water did you you drink if any at all before the drug test.

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Your stupid

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Hey I took one Valium an its my first time in a year I took on do u know howlong untill itwill be out my urine

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Because they have taking the drug without a rx (illegally ) and have to take a drug test for someone like a probation officers or drug rehab or court or a doctor

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If you're asking for a employment urine test don't worry so much they don't test for benzos because everyone and their mother takes them prescribed by their doctor.

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I also wouldn't just tell the employer the drugs in your system that are legal from the doctor because its none of their business and like I said they don't test for those things. Only if they say u test positive for opiates tell them you're prescribed whatever pain med you're on. If on methadone then it doesn't show as an opiate or heroin they have to test specifically for methadone. Not sure about suboxone.

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Don't just tell them let them ask because they may not even test for benzos or opiates. A lot of people have prescriptions for these things. Look up employment drug test to see what the different ones test for.

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i took 80mg in 3 days time- is there any chance it will be out of my system in 10 days?

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It's because the drug makes you feel unnatural -- you just want to get back to yourself. Nothing illegal!

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