How Long Does Oxycodone 10/325 Last In Your Body? (Top voted first)


How long does it stay in your system? Does it show up as on a drug screen?

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A 10/325 tablet contains more than just 10mgs of Oxycodone, it also contains 325mgs of Acetaminophen, it is a generic for Percocet.

Oxycodone is an opiate narcotic, so it will show up as such on a drug test. How long it stays on your system can vary, depending on how long you have been taking it and how much you have been taking. Generally, it is about 24 hours, but it can be longer.

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I have been taking oxycodone 10/325 for a few years. Should I continue considering the news today about acefedimin (sp?)

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a friend of mine took two of his friend's oxycodone's for his nerve damage pain today and has a f/u visit w/ his pain management dr in 2 days. he will most likely be drug tested due to the increased fatalities of pt's who were overmedicating themselves. what do you suggest is the best detoxt method so that it doesn't show up on the strip test? this is the first time he's done this and is very nervous of being dropped from the practice.

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Dont take anymore. its out of your system in 2-3 days. Drink lots of water to flush your body out.

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perk ten last u 3 day 72 hour depend how mant he done anddrink powergrade or lot of water or go the mall buy drink they dont test that stuff only po officer does that so he should be fine

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I am taking Oxycodone 10/325 3 times a day for chronic low back pain. 3 days before my next appointment I had a severe reaction to food additives that contain msg. I purge my system when this happens. I did it this time without thinking about my appointment and the drug test my doc does. In your experience, will doc find the absence of medication suspicious?

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If you need it for pain don't stop taking it, unless you want to be drug free. Don't stop know what your schedule is, meaning how many you take. Up to 4,000 mg of acetaminophen a day is safe. But taking large doses every day over a period of time it's not safe.

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