How Long Does .1 Mg Of Clonidine Last For? (Page 2)
UpdatedIm a 33 year old woman. I was just prescribed .1 mg of clonidine for OxyContin withdrawals. I have bend using Oxy's for about 2 years now. The clonidine seem to be working and I have weined myself off from 60mg a day to 20mg. But now the next step is to go off completely. I need to know how long they last in your system. I know it's at least 3 or 4 hours but not sure if any longer. I want to take my next dose before the withdrawals start. Plz help. Mom of 2
I am 35 and around 4 yrs ago started going to the methadone clinic bcause i was on percocets.i got up to 130mg well for the past couple months or so ive came down 10 mgs every 7 days today i started 20mgs well i felt fine until i hit 30mgs and now i have stomach cramps and feel like im gonna s*** in my pants constsntly..well o have clonidine the doc gave me for hypertension but i never took it so i got my refill today and im gonna take it for withdrawals..DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW LONG IM GONNA FEEL BAD AFTER IM COMPLETELY OFF METHADONE?
You can take the clonidine the minute you start feeling bad. I suggest taking .2mg-.3mg initially for the first couple nights, take less in the day. It makes you feel heavy and very tired, but works great for withdrawals as it keeps the restlessness, anxiousness and hot/cold sweats at bay. You shouldn't need it longer than a week. Take L-Tyrosine to re-up your energy levels. Good luck!
So I have been addicted to percs an vics a year now an quit cold turkey 2 days ago hospital gave me clonidine long will it take to kick in an ease symptoms
How long does clonidine take to work? I'm on day 2 stopping cold turkey n miserable
I've been reading about the success with clonidine for methadone withdrawl. I have been taking Methadone for 6 yrs because of severe fibromyalgia. I decided 8 weeks ago to start getting off, knowing how difficult the withdrawl will be. I was on 15 mg 3x day. I have gotten myself down to 5 mg in the am only. The clonidine .2 mg patch is not helping withdrawl at all. I'm grateful the pharmacist wanted to check BP after I was on the patch for a week. I have never had high blood pressure, but because of the severity of withdrawal, it was 178/109. I live alone and feel so beat up from this withdrawl, I don't know I will be able to stand it when I take the last dose, for the last time. Do any of you know of other meds that can get me through this last phase? I know Methadone is one of the worst withdrawals and can stay in your system for over a month, even though you stop taking. I'm 63 yrs old, use to be in great shape, runner for 30 years. These last 6 yrs have been hard, but getting off meth has been hell. I'm a strong person, but I'm terrified for what lies ahead with withdrawl.
My son whom is four has ADHD his doctor had prescribed him clonidine 0.1mg and said to take half of the half tablet because when given the whole half he was very sedated. Tonight he has been waking up every few minutes whinning and fussing. Could this be the med? How long would it take to get out of his system?
I have severe nerve damagefrom being shot. my dr put me on percocet n fetenyal patches.. when he left the other doctor told me I shouldnt be on nothing and I need to detox... im not abusing my meds, I truly need them I found a different dr he didnt want to give my patches but gave me half of my percocet prescription and clonidine for the withdrawals off the fetenayl my body is hurting so bad I took the clonidine 5 hrs ago how long till I can take a perc cause im in so much pain! Im not liking these doctors right now
Will I get addicted to clonodine after 1 milligram for 30 days
Most definately the Clonidine!! My old Doctor from around 15 years ago gave it to me for sleep as I was really having a ton of problems trying to get any sleep. The Clonidine also makes me so dizzy that I have to sit down as fast as I can before I pass out. Even though I have been taking it for this long. Now ALL I want is to get off of the Clonidine. I am looking for answers to stop taking mine completely. My Doctor said they would NOT help me get off of it at all.
I hope that helps you with the answer you are seeking?
Know how you feel, I kicked 60mgs of Methadone cold turkey in 2009 with clonidine...I'd love to tell you it was easy or painless but it wasn't! I just came back from a rapid detox place called clarity detox which worked for me. I've been on 120mgs of oxycodone for more than a yr this time. I wish you all the luck and I'll be praying for you, all things are possible through Jesus Christ! I became a Christian after my detox from methadone, the pain brought me real close to
How long did it take your body to get use to it & did u have muscle pain in your back! I been on it for a week, but now i'm started to feel some pain in my back is that normal, there giving it to me for the withdrawles on being on narrotic for 10yrs from a car accident. any help would be appreciated! thank u very much
Do not take that Clonidine very long. I am also on Oxycontin, so it will be much harder for me to get off of the Clonidine and the Oxycontin. After 15 years I finally found a Doctor that will help me get off of EVERYTHING. I am in college trying to become a I am in my 3rd year of taking Forensics as my minor and them med school as my major. After that ! I know it willl be a rough road! A family member got murdered and I am NOT taking NO for an answer. There is a lot more to it but I can not put it on here. So that is why I want to get off of everything so I can do my job with ENERGY as the Clonidine gives me no energy at all. I broke my lower back in 1995 and my mid spine was accidently crushed in 2011. It is pain full. Just please do not take the Clonidine very long or you will become addicted to that. Clonidine has been more addictive than the Oxycontin. On the days when I do not want to take the pain meds I have found that I am in less pain, then I would be if I took it. I just drink a lot of water and keep my bones, muscles and nerves hydrated and that is when I have NO pain at all.
you will feel weak and tired for a few weeks after coming off oxys and hydros, also the cravings suck. Its hard but it can be done . When you go through withdraws like that it feels like it will never end at the time and you will feel depressed. It takes a good 30 days for the body to get back to normal.
I am on two blood pressure pills taken twice a day..diltiazem 180mg cd cap and losartan 50mg tab and my blood pressure was still spiking to about 190/90 about every three days; dr prescribed clonidine 0.1 tab taken 1x day at around noon.. How long does it work for the day? (along with the others).
How long does clonidine take to get out of your system if you calculate your does wrong and stand up and the room is spinning?
If u r too sick to stay hydrated it can kill you through dehydration. I experienced this after having a rapid detox procedure. And this was with my husband and mother supposedly taking care of me. My heart rate was down in the 20s. I passed out once when my husband was getting me out of the bath tub because that was the only place I could get warm. And then they leave it up to ME if I want to go to the ER. They said another 2 hours I would have been dead.
I take clonidine 0.2mg morning and at bedtime for bloodpreassure and 1Percocet 15mg for pain. Does that sound okay?
I have very high blood pressure been hurting in my chest been to the er several times they cant find anything wrong im now on clonidine and lisinopril. but havent stRted the lusinopril yet jyst the clonidine and aspirin and I have slept about allday nd hurting in my chest still could someone help me dont know what else to do
You should take the Clonidine at bedtime and the Lisinopril in the morning.
I know what you mean! People don't know that clonidine withdrawal can be the most hedious and deadliest of all w/ds! I see so many people unaware, it's scary!!! Well at with all the people using it, maybe it will get the negative attention it most richly deserves!
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