How Long Do Awful Effects Of Tramadol Last?
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On a Friday night I had 2 cans of Bourbon and someone put a 100 mg capsule of Tramadol into my second drink. I later found that the brand was Topdol and the capsule was green. It made me feel like crap. It is now Monday and I am still feeling very crappy, like a tingling sensation all over my body, and this intense feeling in my head. I have never had Tramadol before and need to know if this is normal or if i need to seek medical help. I am quite a small person, and since that Friday night have avoided alcohol and any other type of drug. I have been drinking lots and lots of water and eating fruits and vegetables to try cleanse my system of this crap, but still no luck feeling better. Anyone have some advice?

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They have recently changed tramadol to a narcotic.

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Tramadol is non narcotic shown it show up on test.

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Do you remember how long those feelings lasted I have taken 150mg for pain my first time taking it and it's been a day and I feel better but still like crap

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i will be taking a drug test and have not been taking my tramadol script as prescribed--- will my doc know iv'e been taking more of it

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