How Long Can I Take Redotex For?
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How many months can you take Redotex for? I am currently on my 3 weeks and am seeing AWESOME results. But I still have about 60 more pounds to go! How long can I take them for until I have to give my body a break? I know for each month it is 3 weeks on and 1 week off and then on again? But for how long can I do that for? I am on a 90 day program now.

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My male friend is 82. I am 63. We have been together for 6 mos now and plan on Marrying in July 2019. Is it safe for him to use male inhansment supplement. He is in excellent health. No blood pressure, or heart issues. He working 6-8 hour. No issues

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Hello Kat,

According to the FDA these pills can only be acquired in Mexico. This is because the manufacturing company has not submitted a new drug application (NDA) to the FDA which makes it misbranded under section 502. I have provided a link to the FDA page where I found this information. With that being said, I have not found any credible sources that show case studies which show a obvious correlation between long term administration of this drug and the side effects associated with it.

[1] FDA import alert 66-35

Because of this I will not be able to find any concrete information to provide you about your query and can only advise you to be cautious with this medication.

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