How Long After The Expiration Date Can I Take Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4mg?


How long after the expiration date can I take Chlorpheniramine Melate 4mg? I have a bottle that expired 11/2013.

Thank you.

4 Replies

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Hello, Rochelle! How are you?

Medications tend to lose efficacy over time, so it is most likely best to just dispose of it and purchase a new supply. This is available over the counter and rather inexpensive.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth.

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I did purchase a new bottle. This is for my 14 - 15lb dog - do you know what the correct dosage would be for her? Previously I had a toy poodle 7 - 8 lbs & the vet prescribed 1/4 tab twice daily for allergies.

Thank you for your help!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What if its 2 yrs old?

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Re: Marilyn (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

It depends on how you've been storing it. You may find this interesting. The military ordered some tests in an attempt to reduce the amount of drugs they had to dispose of. Here are some of the findings (article link at the bottom)

Drug expiry debate: the myth and the reality

Most of drug expiration dates information is from the study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

The expiration date is the final day that the manufacturer guarantees the full potency and safety of a medication.

Proper storage of medications may help to extend their potency. The bathroom and medicine cabinet are not ideal places to store medications due to heat and humidity. Similarly, medications should not be left in a hot car. Medications remain most stable in dry, cool spaces away from light. Keep the prescription bottle caps tightly closed and always keep medications out of reach of children and pets.

Excluding nitroglycerin, insulin, and liquid antibiotics, most medications are as long-lasting as the ones tested by the military.

Medication's potency gradually decreases starting from the moment of its manufacture. This process is not in any way spontaneous after the expiry date.

Expired drugs have not necessarily lost their potency and efficacy. The expiration date is only an assurance that the labeled potency will last at least until that date. Ongoing research shows that stored under optimal conditions, many drugs retain 90% of their potency for at least five years after the labeled expiration date, and sometimes longer. Even 10 years after the expiration date many pharmaceuticals retain a significant amount of their original potency.


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