How Long After Taking A Percocet Can I Take Suboxone
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I'm trying to detox off opiates. I have taken 10 percocet 7.5's in the last 14 hrs to help with withdrawals. I intend on taking some subutex strips & my last dose of percocet was 2 hrs ago. Should I take one of the strips soon or wait?

10 Replies

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Re: John (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

This is absolutely wrong. The naloxone in Suboxone has nothing to do with precipitated withdrawal. The issue is the strength of buprenorphine relative to full agonist opiates like Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin. So Subutex functions exactly like Suboxone in terms of precipitated withdrawal.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Subutex, unlike suboxone, does not contain the opiate blocker naloxone. Therefore, will not send you into precipitated withdrawals. I'm speaking from experience.

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At least 18 hours. Most ppl say 24 hours,but I've never had problem at 18 hours

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I took Percocet 24hrs ago. Can I take 4mgs of Suboxone in the a.m.? Last took Percocet Monday. Thanks.

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No. You will go into instant withdrawal worse than ever b4

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When your pupils are dilated you will know that you are entering withdrawal. Plus the flu-like symptoms and feeling generally lousy. I would start with a 1/2 and then take the other half if you start feeling better.

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your so right about that,..i went in withdrawl after a weekend trip leaving my meds behind. The emergency room was not sympathetic at all and treated me like a criminal. Ive been dependant for three years following a whipple procedure due to pancreatic cancer.

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If taken too close together yes - you absolutely can throw yourself into a full on withdrawel and it is awful at best - usually, simply from my own experience (I am not a doctor but have worked in the pain/addiction field with an amazing doc quite some time) - with Vicodin, Lortab, Norco and those particular medications - one can take Sub 5 to 6 hrs afterwards but it is always best to try to wait as long as you can - I asked my pharmacist how long it would be for me to start my Sub after taking 8 mgs Dilaudid x 3 weeks and she said - "Oh, about 4 hours..." I was totally surprised - my then doc had told me to wait until I was feeling the pains of withdrawel for at least a day prior to taking but not so - for me at anyrate with that particular med - I took the Sub about 41/2 hrs after and I was fine and have found this to be true with many medications and many people - the one for sure to watch out for is Morphine and there are others - always talk with your doctor though before trying to experiment with on your own - just sayin' - ending up in the emergency room in a full on withdrawel because you took your Sub too soon is embarrassing and they never ever understand and can be very cruel, shaming and blaming as well and it is a super yuckie experience as most docs do not know much about Sub and how to treat a "mistake" withdrawel. Hope you are okay.

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Hi I know this doesn't really apply to your post much but I had a quick question. I took Vicodin this morning about 7am then was already into wd by around 10am because I did not take enough. I only took it to get through the suboxone appt I had. (I have no energy otherwise) So I get to the appt and was given a script. I was already feeling the cramping in my legs and having "stomach issues". I feel a little bit of a buzz from the suboxone but I don't feel the wd yet. Is what everyone keeps saying a fact, "you will have wd if you take them too soon together"?

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Hello, Julz! How are you?

No, you need to be in full withdrawal from the Percocet, before taking Suboxone, otherwise it may throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals.

The FDA classifies these medications as being narcotic analgesics, so they have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

When did your doctor tell you to start it?

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