How Can I Pass A Swab Drug Test For Methamphetamine


I used Methamphetamine 7 hrs ago and just got told I have to come in for a Mouth Swab. Has anyone passed this soon? I used hydrogen peroxide, mouth wash, brushed teeth, and hand sanitizer right before I took the test! Please reply if any of this has helped you pass.

12 Replies

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Did you pass ur test after using so soon before your test? And what all had u done before it? Just curious cause I'm waiting on results of my own.

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How do I pass a mouth swab for methamphetamine?

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Ok so i read this page & many other pages last night. Last time i used was 10pm last night, i had a swab test this morning 12 hours later. I brushed my teeth really good this morning, also ate a raw onion as advised in a post, and right befor my test I chewed mints and drank coffee was shewing gum during the test I sat in the back so I wasn't the first to be noticed and left gum in my mouth and put the swap over it between my teeth and she said I passed so I guess that works. Thank you to everybody advise just wanted to share mine to ease some troubled minds out there good luck to everyone

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I got called in for my 3rd interview at costco today and they used a mouth swab drug test on the spot and i had took a couple hits off a bowl an hour and a half prior, the guy said i was good and threw it in the trash and said all they are waiting for was my background. Did i pass it? He never said. A company would tell you if you failed right?

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Ok guys and gals, there is only one way to pass a mouth swab and a ua test for speed.
TIME....... Coming from someone who did it anyway possible. You have to have time. If you did it one night let's say relasped, you would be good 7 days later. I say 7 because of experience. If you have a way to postpone it some how, do it. If you know when your going to text then do it up within that 24 hour window, and you're good. Don't chance it.
Anyone on randoms, your playing with a loaded gun. Been there. Time and fluids.

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I have to see my po in 2 days and i just dosed last night and the 2 days prior. So in total I took methamphetamine 3 days in a row. How can I pass a mouth swab in the next 48 hours?

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7 days especially on a one day relapse is way too long. If you have time first sit down and think. If you can come up with a solution then you don't know enough about all the variables in your problem. What must be done next. Research and I'm not talking go on forums and read bunch of conjecture till you find something you like that may or may not work for you. I'm talking about real research credible websites or databases that contain real information. Take your time if you have time and cover all your bases and you will come up with a solution. If your out of time find the best crap answer you can and roll the dice but right after you pass or fail, don't be retarded, go do some research and get the answers you need to solve the problem the next time you encounter it and we all know we will need viable real world solutions to problems outside the scope of social norms in the future. Beat them at the game they think is reality and you will make your own reality.

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Okay if I used peroxide for a drug test rinse mouth like four times before testing will I have negative test. Mouth was dry had to bring up Lil saliva

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Re: Worldwide (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, they wouldn't throw it away if they had any doubt that you didn't pass,they would send it off. So as long as they like what they see in your background check I'd say ur hired!!

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48 hours max for everything. The best way is obviously not to do any but if you have it’s 48 hours, no more.

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Re: Worldwide (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

They definitely would not have told you if they were waiting on a background test if you failed. Must not have been methamphetamine you had lol.

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Re: flawless logic (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I like how you think! Do Your HOMEWORK!!
Depend on yourself, not others and feel what’s right for you and believe it’ll work!
And t never hurt to ask your guardian angel or the Universe for a little help. They can only help if you ask, snd believe me, it has worked multiple times in different situations. Power of positivity!

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