How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone? (Page 20)
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I don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.
First off - I am an ex-heroin addict myself - and my habit far exceeded 250mg of oxy/day. Hell, the day I went to rehab, right before I left, I took 4 oxy 80s at one time, and then drove myself the 150 miles to the rehab center.
The best answer is swiss' - check into rehab, if you don't have insurance, you're cherry, Medicaid will pay for a full 28 day treatment. If you do, you may only be covered for 4 days of detox and 10 days of rehab.
Oxys are like heroin, the W/Ds take a little less than 96 hours. Check out the different places available and find one that will give you benzos (oxezapam or valium), clonidine - and some clinics will give you 3 days worth of Buprenorphine injections (24mg 1st day, 16mg 2nd, 8mg 3rd).
If you got to one of those places, you will be amazed at how easy it actually is to come off and wonder why you dreaded it for all of those years.
However, getting off really isn't the problem - staying off is - especially if you're one of those people who insists that they can do other drugs or still drink - it's just a matter of time before you return to your drug of choice.
I would suggest only getting on suboxone maintenance if AFTER you've come out of rehab and try to work a real, honest program, you find the cravings to be too great. Then it would probably be best if you went in to see an addiction specialist and talked to them about getting on buprenorphine - and I would suggest, Suboxone.
And to all those people that want subutex instead of suboxone, admit it, the only reason that you want it is because you can use it to abuse the tablets. And before you say that it's because there's a generic subutex - well, you're right, there is, but it costs MORE than brand name suboxone at almost every pharmacy in the country.
For the guy with Hep C -I had it, genotype 1a - the hardest to treat and after a year of peg-interferon and ribavirin, I've been 100% virus free for over 4 years. I don't know about why your liver levels are so high - I wasn't on suboxone - but I don't see how the presence of naltrexone in your system would cause your liver levels to rise. I know my levels were off the chart before I started interferon - like 1100 and 700 or something like that.
Are you sure you're just not looking for a drug you can get a 'high' from' by abusing it? And if you're gonna still abuse drugs, then don't even bother being treated for the Hep C, you know you can get it again - - right?
For anyone without insurance - there is a patient assistance program, if you qualify (your household income has to be less than 250% of the poverty level of the country and you have to provide tax returns to prove it. If you are accepted - and any doctor that is qualified to script bupe's (of either kind) is allowed to have 3 patients in the program at one time. Admittance gives you FREE medication for 1 year.
What you need to do is
- Get you doctor's fax number.
- Call 888-898-4818 and request that the forms for admittance be faxed to your doctor.
- Have you doctor fill out the forms and then gather the required financial documentation and fax it to the number provided (you can either have your doctor fax it or you can do it yourself).
- You will receive determination in less than 10 days on whether or not you qualify.
Many doctors don't even know about this program, but every doctor can up to 3 patients in the program at one time.
Good luck and good bless.
I took subutex for almost 2 years, i was not a fan suboxone either ... and nor was it easy in the state of FL to get subutex but i told my dr that my insurance would not pay for the Subxone ... and IT WORKED! i cant say this will work for you ... & i know the hype about subutex sounds much better but really its nothing but another drug your a slave too ... hope you figure something out
I can help you. Stay off the pills and gets some subutex or bupe/naltrexone .
well it does matter when u have s*** wrong with ur liver n u been on boxes so long they just dont help any more
i have been diagnosed with hep c and fixing under go treatment of interferon witch is like chemo gonna make me very sick bring white blood cell counts down very low!!!!!....The drs can not figure out why my enzymes in my liver are so high cause i don't drink or do drugs i take suboxone witch i think they believe it's one or the other in the suboxone that is affecting my liver the blocker....actually it has to be....does anyone have this same problem and the sub dr changed them to subutex instead and it worked????....And having hep c isn't a good enough reason to prescribe subutex????...Please someone answer me if they know of anything so I know what to do or switch drs or whatever????
I must agree w/ Swiss. The best way to get off opiates of any sort is go to a clinical in-patient rehabilitation center. They give you meds to help w/ the withdraw symptoms(although not til atleast the 2nd day you've been there) and they have staff that know how to help you deal with your issue.But, if you really need to get some now Google "suboxone doctors in ***** area code, a list of Drs will appear call one make appt. show up w/ $150 cash and they should get you started
You should try going to a doctor
friend- getting on subutex is no alternative to oxys. you will be hook on it just the same. sorry. i am speaking from experience. most people could not believe how many mg's i was using a day. they best way to get off is go to rehab and get meds that make u feel less sick. but you will still be shaky and have a few cold sweats. not as bad though. good luck dude.
im on subutex 2 8mg a day i was on it when i pregnant and after i had my son i told my dr. that suboxone gives me bad headachs and bad belly achs, he argured but he gave in, also you have to pay cash for my dr apt and many people dont have any insurance and pay for there script so what my dr. does, he'll write you a scrip for generic subutex (same thing just cheaper) because it cuts the cost of your pills in half. Tell your doc you can't afford your script anymore and ask about generics. good luck any questions let me know.
If you are that desperate for help, then why are you worried about being specific about the thing you use for assistance?
There are not many doctors out there that are going to give an addict Subutex. The whole reason they use Suboxone is keep you from continuing to abuse other opiates, while you are in treatment. This is how they help break the cycle.
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