How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone?
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I don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.
I been in that same position at one point of my life. You can really come out of this and away from that devil that on your back. What I did to get clean and I promise you it’s not going to be quick. So be patient with yourself. First if you are unable to stay clean for more the 24 hours I suggest joining a methadone clinic with that you can start getting clean that day with no worries of withdraw. Just whatever dose the Dr. Puts you on and whatever dose helps you get threw the day is the dose you need to stay at. And I say no less than 3 months you can slowly go down 1 milgram a week or month at a time. This process will help avoid any kind of withdrawal as you get closer to the end. Going to the clinic in the morning can be a hassle but in time if you do good they let you take bottles home. You have to one to be clean for you the most part and try not to make a hustle from it. Meaning try not to sale your drugs that help you stay away from the other drug. You need to change your friends up who get high also. NA meeting help you may feel like it don’t but I promise you listening to other speak about the same thing your going threw becomes a meditation by itself. I’m 3 years clean and a day doesn’t go by where my body even thinking about getting High on pills I’m off of subs and methadone Wich I thought I was gonna need it for the rest of my life. Tampering down is how I did it and it took over 3 years until the day came where I would forget to even take my dose and then realize it at the end of my day. You can do it and only you. Having someone you love as a anchor helps so much.
Re: Kkay (# 375)
Why are you helping this person figure out how to abuse opioids? This is gross post. And a gross reply
Re: Aleacia (# 381)
You should just get off the drugs you are pregnant. Your baby is going to be born addicted to drugs.
Re: Chris (# 385)
Yeah I don’t understand why drug abusers come to this medication thinking people are going to help them abuse drugs. That’s not what we’re here for.
You call a drug treatment program and you go check in. I just want to warn you that if you swap addictions from your OXY’s to Suboxone when you eventually have to come off the Suboxone you’re going to have withdrawals that last for a month instead of a week or two. Good luck to you.
There is not one doctor alive that’s going to give you Subutex rather than Suboxone because they’re not *****s and apparently you are or you wouldn’t be making this question a public discussion and you just don’t want to be on Suboxone because it doesn’t get ya high…….
I am an opiate survivor on Suboxone and my life changed when I got on Suboxone. I went to weeks taking methadone, locking myself in the apartment when they would get me off of it with the Subutex taper, which is how you take Subutex, not an extended every day, you can’t take that s*** every day and whoever you are, you’re just trying to kill yourself anyway and you’re too much, but I’m not gonna say anymore on that subject because you are ridiculous to think somebody would prescribe you Subutex and Suboxone, so good luck in your quest and make sure you have a will. Love, your non-admirer Chris from Colorado.
Re: Ishmael (# 10)
Awesome reply!!! Thanks for all the info.
Re: swiss (# 3)
Very critical and that's YOUR experience. I came off 180mlg of methadone miraclesly survived after 4 months in detox.Ive been addicted to opiates 4decades. Subs saved my life!!!
Why do you want subutex? The most preferred is suboxone. I know without insurance it's very costly the film. But if your taking that many oxys you gotta have cash. Anyway my heart goes out to you. I can feel your pain no doubt. Look up or google drs that prescribe subs. Usually psychiatrist. There becomg more available every day. Push ce to shove contact a methadone clinic and ask if they have subutex which they usually do.Please for tye sake of yourself and family don't get on methadone! Liquid handcuffs! Very poison and toxic to your body . Prayers
Re: Kaylee (# 2)
Hey I'm currently going to the prenatal doc who prescribe me suboxone. I did my research and I'm not comfortable being on this whole pregnant but he assured me there isn't a problem but since I quit my text and started suboxone I'm irritated and constipated. I've had a migraine and I started throwing up all over again. How do I get them to switch me?
Re: Ron (# 17)
I am so sorry to tell you this, but you have to be at 70 mgs of methadone to be able to switch to suboxone or subutex/buprenorphine. I am at 120 mgs and want to switch to buprenorphine but my dose is too high. The only way is to start coming down slowly. If you are at a clinic they should help you. I am resigning to just taking it. There will eventually be a way to detox people without the hellish experience of a detox. Wish you the best, bro!
Re: Ishmael (# 10)
You're full of it!
Re: nicky24 (# 103)
Did you ever find one? I'm close to morristown and I'm looking for one also. Thanks for any info
Re: Ryleigh (# 15)
I know this is super old but I switch between subutex, suboxone and Methadone every few days. I never get sick. Just relief. It is just what I can get my hands on every few days. I wish I could go to rehab and get my s*** together but I have a baby (miraculously not born addicted because I tapered down as much as possible for the last 6 months of my pregnancy and only took subutex), not really sure if that matters. I’m currently on a waiting list for the nearest sub doc. I’ve had my husband take away all of my access to cash because I’m still a sick junkie. A functional one but still. I’m glad I came across this old post. I pray my daughter never ends up like me. A closet junkie. It sucks.
Re: Chuck (# 8)
How? I’m highly allergic to suboxone and need help.
Re: sunshine (# 6)
I know that here in tn if you have hep c and the Dr refuses to give you suboxone he will write you subutex, mainly due to it affecting your liver and kidneys. But tn has some dumb ass rules in order to get subutex. Either u have to be pregnant or breastfeeding (they cut u off when the baby is 6 months to a year old), u have to have a Dr statement saying that you are allergic to the blocker in the suboxone, or have hep c. I've been on subutex for 2 almost 3 years and here in tn no doctor will take me and give me subutex bc I'm not pregnant any longer. I can not take suboxone due to it swelling my throat up, causing stomachaches, and headaches. Good luck to you honey.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I feel it will work much better for you, the Subutex. I have seen no real difference between the old and new or ones by new drug makers. I dont care for the tiny 8 mg pills cause they're hard to break up.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Suboxone has never worked for me. It doesn't get rid of any of my issues it just doesn't help at all but the Subutex does I don't know why but it does that's why I need to worry about it
I'm on Suboxone I have been for 3 years I go to the doctor once a month and I get 60 8 mg I get nauseous and I have had headaches my whole life to where they make me throw up and the Suboxone will sometimes make me get a migraine and I will eventually end up with a horrible headache I just don't know what to say to my doctor. I just want him to switch me to Subutex they work so much better for me and they're not so hard to take [as in the taste] also I just switched my doctor last month because my old doctor was charging me $150 a month to see him I have insurance to cover my Suboxone so I can't say that's the issue but I want to be on Subutex and off of the Suboxone what should I do? what should I say to my doc? Anyone have any answers?
Re: Kaylee (# 2)
What state are u from? I'm pregnant and need to find a Dr to switch me to subutex.
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