How Can I Clean Xanax Out Of My System (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I have reciently taken a large amount of xanax after abstaining for 4 months. like many I have a drug test coming up. my question is, are there any natural ways to flush it out so the test will be negative?

148 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: nicole (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

you sure it wasn't valium instead of xanax?

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Re: Kyle (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

What kind of juices did you drink? I drink a great deal of water. Is that just as good if not better? Also, how can I get it out of my blood faster?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

i took a xanax and my school is taking a drug test tomorrow, how do i get it out my system tonight?

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Re: annonoymus (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

That was 2012. I have heard Zima works, try some tonight!

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Re: lou (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Lou is right. I've been on suboxone for about 5 years now and get urine tested every 2 weeks. I take 3mg of xanax every night for 7 days then stop for 6 days without taking any. My urine is clean every time!

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Re: J210 (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

You lucky ass guy. Ya, girls suffer longer. Especially when they are bigger and less active in life. I've had to wait 6 four just a weeks worth of 2mgs of less every day. Then, the withdrawals last a month for me.

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Re: Just letting you know (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

I took 3+ milligrams a day and took a 12 panel drug test 6 to 7 days later and passed. My husband takes them less frequently and is on methadone. He can take one Sunday afternoon and is clean at the clinic on Thursday. He does it all the time.

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Re: Cleetus (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Drink plenty yes but your urine needs to be more acidic to excrete xanax. Milk, fruits, look up anything that will make your urine acidic. Also unlike some other drugs it helps a lot to excrete it to. Exercise, hot baths, anything to pull the excreted moisture out. Also if you can get your hands on ritalin, dilute your urine with tons of water that day but take ritalin too. It yellows your pee a lot and is completely untraceable, there are no tests for ritalin.

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Re: Chvvvrriv (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

It really all depends on how long you have been taking the Xanax for. People who have been taking the Xanax everyday for up to let’s say 6 months will have metabolites in there system and that’s what stays in your system for a while. If your metabolism is quick moving and you drink a lot of water I believe that you would be fine taking only 1 Xanax.

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Re: Kyle (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

congradulations of getting clean. leagle or not leagle......tough stuff to kick

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Re: nicole (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

It stays in ur system for 4 days u stupid ***** u have no clue wth ur tlkn about girl u must be burnt out on drugs.. foh

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I took one Xanax on Saturday I have a urine test on Thursday can I pass it if I drink a lot of water?

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I took Xanax for 2 weeks will I come out dirty on urrin test on Tuesday?

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Re: SayWhat (# 124) Expand Referenced Message

There not prescribed the Xanax how can I come out clean with water pills

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I don't have prescription of Xanax Iv been taking them for 3 weeks straight how can I clean my system , do water pills work and if I drink alot of water will it help

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Re: Kyle (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Your a bad ass good job with the cold turkey detox

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Re: Pray4Me (# 129) Expand Referenced Message

have you found out yet if you passed ? you posted on April 3rd?

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Re: billie (# 132) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Billie,

I actually haven’t had to back in yet. It’s weekly random drug testing, so it will definitely be in the next few days.

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I take xanax and stop taking it three days before my weekly urine test. I am on methadone and It hasn't been detected yet. So I'm not sure where the 6 week thing is coming in.

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I have been taking xanax since Monday. Dr discontinued the xanax in february but i still had some left. My daughter had surgery and i was a nervous wreck so i started taking the ones i hsd left on Monday. This Wed May 2nd my appt comes up and i know he will drug test me again. I am worried about if the xanax will show up 5 days later? And is there anything i can do to rid it out of my urine?

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