How Adderall Has Affected Me (Top voted first)


I started adderall of 10mg in 4th grade after I showed obvious signs of ADHD in the classroom. I am now a junior in high school and now take 30mg. I have noticed I am most likely addicted to it, but without it, i cant focus in school! On days when i dont take it im very irritable, annoying, and....... pressured, as in when theres too much going on i get angry, confused, and dizzy. Is there anything i can do to help calm these side effects WITHOUT more drugs?

2 Replies

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Well first, since you are so young, I would like to reassure you that there is a different between addiction and dependence.

Addiction occurs when someone uses a drug all the time for the wrong reasons. It may start out legitimately enough, like their needing it for pain or ADHD, but usually people in these cases like the effects it has on them and, since those effects wear off as your body gets used to it, they keep taking more and more to get the same effects.

That's clearly not what you are doing. What you are dealing with is dependence and this is a completely natural occurrence that happens because your body has just gotten used to having this substance on a regular basis, it has nothing to do with abuse.

Dependence will happen with anything taken on a regular basis, including anything from blood pressure medications to your morning cup of coffee and a sudden cessation of them will cause some minor withdrawal and rebound effects.

That said, the only way to minimize this would be by doing a gradual taper. If you don't take any of it, and being on 30mgs is a pretty high dose, you will experience those types of symptoms.

If you really want to try and get off of it, you should consult your doctor for the best tapering schedule to do so.

However, my personal advice would be that you not try to do it during the school year, where it could affect your ability to concentrate in school and study.


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I have had a long history of using habituating meds. All meds were RXed by my phyc. Dr. of 22 years (I'm 42). so 20 years of treatment. Not to go into graphic detail , I grew up in a very unsuitable environment. I was diagnosed with: Panic attacks, Major depression, PTSD, Borderline personality disorder and ADHD I became self aware of my lack of empathy at 34ish. I was directed to take, valium, anti-Ds, pain meds.(opioids), mood stabilizers and Ritalin IR 30mg/day (to start!). This Poly-drug use was grossly negligent. as some drugs interact with each other. Therefore my brain altered itself to adapt with the flooding of dopamine, serotonin , adrenaline ,ect. by drenching the reward system receptors. Thus natural rewards ie, eating, intercourse , goal achievement , ect. became blunted giving little or no reward (happiness). Now, not even drug induced reward is attainable by any dose of any of drug associated with strong reward. I thought (when I started getting these drugs of reward)my phsc. Dr. was a godsend. Now older, with sociopathic inflections, Severe lack of empathy (even for myself), and addicted to opiates, benzodiazepines, SSRI,s, and Lyrica (nerve pain). What has helped me in just functioning enough to get to my medical appts. was the starting of AndroGel 1% It is easing the bluntness of my emotions. I am staring to feel emotions that I have not been able feel for quite some time. It is giving me confidence that I will be able to start tapering down my dosage of meds that I am addicted to. And the best part of Androjel (for me anyhow) is that as I may become: DEPPENDANDT" on it. Opposed to "ADDICTED" to it. With the help of true therapy, not just a mad Phsyc. Doc. with only a script pad. Androgel is real therapy because it targets the cause, not just the symtoms!

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