How To Get Methamphetamines Out Of Your System Quickly (Top voted first)


I took just a little bit two days ago, and my manager just called me saying my drug test that I took was too diluted and that I need to take another, which could be tomorrow. Is there ANY way possible it would be out of my urine and how long do you suppose it will stay in my system? I'm freaking out.

356 Replies (18 Pages)

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I took meth yesterday around 1-2 pm i have a drug test tomorrow at 7 am i weigh around 150 and 5'9 is my height
can I sweat it out with some cardio?? i really need to pass this test and I need to know how to get it out of my system, any way possible.
Thank you

Was this helpful? 2409

i got take a drug test tomorrow, i used some methamphetamine, what can i do to past the test?

Was this helpful? 1955

i have a drug test in 3 days what is the quickest way to get methamphenamine out of my system?

Was this helpful? 1273

If I have been taking meth for the past month and have a drug screening for a job would it be out of my system by December 13th if the last time I did it was today?!?! If not what are some things I can do to clean out my system so I don't fail my drug test? ive heard drinking water doesnt work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Was this helpful? 1231

how do you get methamphetamine out of your body? Please help

Was this helpful? 1064

Does baking soda really work when you are trying to pass a drug test for meth?

Was this helpful? 944

I am a petite girl 5'7 about 117 lbs. been taking meth. for about 1 month straight everyday,, not awhole lot, but everyday. today is day 3 without and I have to test tomorrow....will I pass?

Was this helpful? 962

I have taken some for the past 3 or 4 days, but i stopped. I might have to take i drug test, im not for sure but i want to get out of my system just in case i do have to take one please help me please tell how long it is in my body for?

Was this helpful? 852

Can I get it out of my system faster with everyday detox tea?

Was this helpful? 644

Does the baking soda trick work if the ua is sent off to a lab?

Was this helpful? 520

NO.. really.. Its not good for you.. and illegal.. wow KittyKat your obviously in the wrong forum. These people need help in one way or the other.. not to be told the obvious. We all know drugs are not good for you.. and that they are illegal.. If you cant contribute advice that is helpful.. then you should find the right forum to beat down.. just saying...

Was this helpful? 459

can get flush out met in 30 hours

Was this helpful? 553

Please. Could someone help I need to get this methamphetamine out my system. Fast what shall I do drink some white. Vinager. And what will work guys please I don't need to go back to the joint ????

Was this helpful? 412

I smoked the devils drug (meth) 3 days ago. It was my last and FINAL use!!! how long will it take to get 160 pound person out of your system. please help I have the ua in 10 days.

Was this helpful? 399

I will confirm that baking soda does work. I took a .3 (roughly a dub) Saturday night and finished it Sunday morning. I mixed 3 tbs of baking soda with a cup of water and kept drinking water around 2:30 today. Drank a cup of coffee so that I could pee yellow. I tested at exactly 5 and came out clean. The explosive diarrhea was a horrible experience. I don't partake often. I'm a cannabis guy but I even came out clean for that as well. Thanks for all the advice.

Was this helpful? 309

I had a little on Friday and have a urine test Monday. Will it be out of my system? It was the first time I've done it in years.

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

Was this helpful? 330

I took meth for the first time the night before last and I was supposed take a test yesterday morning. But I decided not to go to school. Then I didn't go today would I be clean if I went tomorrow to test ?

Was this helpful? 276

I need to know how much baking soda one should take and what is the chance of an od

Was this helpful? 252

Thanks for the advice...I took the urine test on Tues. 2-12 with 3 full days clean, drank alot of water...I think it showed up because they sent it off for further testing, 2 weeks the results will be in. Not feeling too good about it. Can I say I had the flu and drank Nyquil and cough syrup for 2 or 3 days before the test, will that cover my butt? On a good note, my month binge is over 7 days clean today and I feel great.

Was this helpful? 294

I heard it helps get meth out of your system faster if u do a colon cleanse too. True?

Was this helpful? 270
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