How To Get Methamphetamines Out Of Your System Quickly
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I took just a little bit two days ago, and my manager just called me saying my drug test that I took was too diluted and that I need to take another, which could be tomorrow. Is there ANY way possible it would be out of my urine and how long do you suppose it will stay in my system? I'm freaking out.

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Please. Could someone help I need to get this methamphetamine out my system. Fast what shall I do drink some white. Vinager. And what will work guys please I don't need to go back to the joint ????

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I had a little on Friday and have a urine test Monday. Will it be out of my system? It was the first time I've done it in years.

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I have a test coming up and I have been straight up with them, I just did some so I want to know is it a good to go and do the first test dirty ( have some crystal in my system ) or should I be clean all the time.

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I will confirm that baking soda does work. I took a .3 (roughly a dub) Saturday night and finished it Sunday morning. I mixed 3 tbs of baking soda with a cup of water and kept drinking water around 2:30 today. Drank a cup of coffee so that I could pee yellow. I tested at exactly 5 and came out clean. The explosive diarrhea was a horrible experience. I don't partake often. I'm a cannabis guy but I even came out clean for that as well. Thanks for all the advice.

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Well just a heads up to everyone it really differs on how long it will take to get out of your system, but if you are an active person drink fluids water juices and take lots of B vitiams 3-6-12 complex the day before and day of you take the pee test and drink water but not to much, because if have seen cases of people having deluted tests from drinking to much water and then being called back in for a hair test then your screwed 1-4 days but as i say everyone is different with different chemical make ups best thing is to just leave the s*** alone im not judging i am guilty of it myself i always managed to be a functional user of many different things wasnt exposed or did anything till after i was out of college (i know i should have know better than to even try anything to start with) but live and learn it is just eaiser to just leave it alone so you dont live in fear of the next random drug test anything could happen if you was to get the slightest injury at work thats an automatic drug test or bump into a road sign in a company vehical. i seen a guy get a random for driving out of the parking lot without seatbelt on. i have been really lucky. i count my blessings everyday. i work in the oil and gas industry so lots of randoms take place. so it is better to stay clean. i truly take that panic and fear of pending drug test around the corner they are making it impossible to beat a test and cheaper for companies to test

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I like how nice u told her I was like REALLY DUMB ASS THANKS FOR SHARING DUH...NOT!!
Huera loca

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Gotta give em credit for being crafty. Its far from genius to try and detour system rather than detour dope, but, what they lack in common sense they get 3% for creativity....and 97% on how to send your stress level through the roof in record time!!

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My drug testing facility told me 3 days for meth, a website I saw said habitual use could be up to 7 but testing facility still says 3

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i have liver disease, hep c and beginning stages of chirrociss. I have been having a hard time staying awake even try to fall asleep on my way home from work. This was going on for a long time. I never used to do illegal drugs like methamphetamine ect. but I have been taking methamphetamine for the last month when I feel so tired I cant make it to work. I am on a prescription now to help get rid of my disease, which also in return makes me even more tired, I havent done it that many times cuz I dont want to further damage my liver, but I cant lose my job either cuz Im so tired and sick to work. Now I have to get lab work in 4 days, I havent done any in 3 days. will it show up in my tests, and what can I do to pass so they dont take me off the medication I am taking for the disease? I am scared. I work 2nd shift job and its very physical, also I have no idea where I got the hep c because I never was a drug user, nor did I sleep around. I dont even have a tattoo, please dont judge me because I am ashamed of the way I try to get through to keep my job, due to chronic sleepiness, where even light hurts my eyes, but I dont know what else to do. I have seen so many, doctors and a psychologists, and even tried providule 200mg, which doesn't really help. I dont intend to take methamphetamine anymore because I know now it affects the liver and kidneys. can you help me please

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Can i kiss your mouth coz i got a neg result?

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Does the baking soda trick work if the ua is sent off to a lab?

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I need to know how much baking soda one should take and what is the chance of an od

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i have a question what is the chances of od

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Thank u!! U don't know me, so don't judge me!! Why do u even care!! Bye bye

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WTF Why would you take it if you have a drug test?! Why take it at all? This is such a joke. "I did methamphetamine and now I need to drug test, what do I do?" Drug addicts are all the same.....

Was this helpful? 43

Just came from prob, used baking soda as u all recommend, Passed!! We did have like 12 hr notice, but was in the middle of taking methamphetamine when the call came in!!! We went bought 2 at home tests!! Did a trial, at 3pm yesterday, 3 tlbs big glass str8, and drank n drank lots of water!! Exactly 1hr later, 'spraying was on' lasted 30min-1hr, (5pm) couldn't pee for ever! Peed once while on pot!! Finally 2nd pee about 5:30, wanted to test on hr 3, like u all said, but could NOT go!! So kept drinking water!! Bout 6:50, (hour 4) took the at home test, this is pee #3!! Passed!! Ate dinner, slept til 3:30 am, got up n took another at home test at 4am, and Failed!! So will not last 9hrs!! JS, so again same thing at 4:30am took 3tlbs baking soda in big glass water, drank all one big drink, by 5:30, ( spraying began) lasted 30mins, drank water whole time, on way to prob I drank lil OJ, n 2 fruit punch Arizona cans!! Got at prob at 8:30, this is also pee 3, an (hour 4)! Passed!! Even was let OFF prob early, note: all fees n fines n classes were already completed!! So Thank You to everyone w info on this, so helpful!!! Also FYI: we r pretty heavy consumers, stay up 7-14 days at a time, may take 3-5day break n back at it, n at least a g between the 2 of us!! And he is 6' n 250lbs!! Thank u all again

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I just took methamphetamine. I have a drug test tomorrow at 8:45. it's about 11:37 and I need this out of my system as quick as possible. I weigh 115-120lbs. I'm 5'4 tall. help me out

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My ole man n I have been on one for months!! Boom outta no where he gets a call as to b at prob by 8:30 am, in the morn, it's bout 11am today! He started freakin, I started searching, I've read EVERY single post on here, plus 1,000 other sites!! Finally bout 3pm today I talked him into it!! 3 tlbs, bout 14oz, took bout a hour n off to bathroom, he drank n drank water, 5hrs he could not pee, 6hrs peed once, 6:30, downed another glass, n got test ready bout 6:50,!! BAM! PASSED!! OMG I'm so excited, thank you to all REAL peeps!! And to all u Haters, ur against it!! Why r u on here! Wow mind ur own!!!

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I have done this method a lot.. it really does work, i take 3 tablespoons and put it in gel caps, and drink a bunch of ice tea and 7up. it helps ur stomach. u will only get the runa the first 4 times doing this. make sure u dont overdose on baking soda tho, and yes u can, try not to puke if u do overdose, it is very dangerous. one tablespoon per 50lb .. i take 3 tbs. 150lb person. and u have to pee 2 times before the test .. i only waited 2 hrs after consuming baking soda before my test, and had taken methamphetamine about a half hr before the test and still passed. That my friends is what u call someone who needed help! thank god i am free of methamphetamine... 7 months sober.

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