How To Get Methamphetamines Out Of Your System Quickly (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I took just a little bit two days ago, and my manager just called me saying my drug test that I took was too diluted and that I need to take another, which could be tomorrow. Is there ANY way possible it would be out of my urine and how long do you suppose it will stay in my system? I'm freaking out.

356 Replies (18 Pages)

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Drink two bottles of ocean spray cranberry juice original and some water and u will pee clear.. It flushes ur system out I promise does work I do it my self.

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Well what If i inhaled it round 1 in tha morning what can I do to clear it out

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It does. I did 2 years house arrest 3 years probation n 18 mos on parole. All using meth n baking soda. Test it. Go to walgreens buy an at home test n do the baking soda n then u tell me if it works. Follow the instructions I gave n u will see

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Ive been smoking meth the last 3 days and i have to take a drug test tomorrow at 830 am. What can i do so i dont fail the drug test??

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Your life must be perfect and you must do no wrong for you to sit here and judge another. There's always and underlying reason as to why people choose ths path and only those who are ignorant can sit here and claim to know whats best for everyone based on a few nondescript statements. You know what they say, those who judge do so to make themselves feel better about their own lives.

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So i did a dim of meth n past like 24hrs my parole officer just called me she wants to c me tomorrow how fast can i get meth out of my system

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hi I was wondering how to get meth out of your system I am on probation and my number came up today I have ten hours to go test I am am a daily user of meth .how can I pass my .ua.

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I drank baking soda and couldn't stop pissig out of my ass... even after like the hours of drinking it.. it's for probation so someone was watching and I knew she heard what sounded like me peeing and I.didn't want to get in more trouble so I caught a little bit of that water and it came back as not human.... I had took an at home drug test about 30 min after drinking the baking soda and was positive for thc and meth, the only two drugs I use. Detox drinks from head shops did nothing for me... I was positive everytime... so far CErto Gel is what's worked best for me. I.have been taking vitamin b complex for color, bc it turns ur urine yellow.. it is less likely FOr them to.think it's deluited. And I've heard I need to start taking creatine which I intend to begin tomorrow bc it's said to raise your ph levels therefore you're urine Will not show as deluited, nor will it show up positive!

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I work at the clinic and I smoke Faithfully:-) aha rite now even. Staff gets tested Everyweek, I still got my job they think im clean... got a test tomorrow when the results come Guess who still gone have a job

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i have liver disease, hep c and beginning stages of chirrociss. I have been having a hard time staying awake even try to fall asleep on my way home from work. This was going on for a long time. I never used to do illegal drugs like methamphetamine ect. but I have been taking methamphetamine for the last month when I feel so tired I cant make it to work. I am on a prescription now to help get rid of my disease, which also in return makes me even more tired, I havent done it that many times cuz I dont want to further damage my liver, but I cant lose my job either cuz Im so tired and sick to work. Now I have to get lab work in 4 days, I havent done any in 3 days. will it show up in my tests, and what can I do to pass so they dont take me off the medication I am taking for the disease? I am scared. I work 2nd shift job and its very physical, also I have no idea where I got the hep c because I never was a drug user, nor did I sleep around. I dont even have a tattoo, please dont judge me because I am ashamed of the way I try to get through to keep my job, due to chronic sleepiness, where even light hurts my eyes, but I dont know what else to do. I have seen so many, doctors and a psychologists, and even tried providule 200mg, which doesn't really help. I dont intend to take methamphetamine anymore because I know now it affects the liver and kidneys. can you help me please

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How long does this keep you clean for?

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I smoked 20 $ worth of methamphetamine tonight and i have till tommorw by 3 pm to take a drug screen what can i do im drinking water and juice is there any way i can pass this test im 41 and 125 lbs

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Hey so, if anyone else does try out the baking soda method, please post your results. I am actually half way convinced it could work given that PH is such an important factor in how long the dope stays in your system for. Would be a pretty neat trick if it actually worked.

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I smoked a bowl of methamphetamine on Sunday afternoon which was the 29th of June and have a ua test tomorrow on July 1st in the morning at 1130. I am 5 foot and 110 pounds what is the quickest way to get it out of my system or how long will it show up in my system

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Just use bakin soda 3 table spoons with 32 ounces of water it will make you go to the bath room number 2 but don't pee but one time in a 3 hour period the 2nd time make sure it's in the test cup it will work I've done it 27 times

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I have a u. In the a
am I weigh 280lbs how much backing soda do I consume before it takes affect in the masking process.

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Hello i have taken meth a couple of times in the space of two months. Very rare I do it and very little amounts to what I believe. A "hundy" bag between 3 people was roughly how much i smoked if that helps. In 2 and a half months from now I leave for the navy and have a urine drug test. Would I be able to pass? I will also start to exercising more as I would need to do anyways to prepare for my navy training. Cheers for a reply.

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I did about 70 units or about a 20 bag of mass saturday evening at 4 p_m intravenous lee I had to test this morning at 7 am I started drinking fluids right after I used it and hound water all day saturday sunday do you think my test would come back clean

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I took Methamphetamine on a friday at 9pm and i stopped on monday around 130am which is today and thankfully its a holiday. So I had it for about 3 days straight. And i am on probation and have a certain color to call in every morning random drug test. The thing is im worried because tomorrow my color might be called and if its by 10:00am what time would i have to take the baking soda?

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i smoked yesterday evening. how can i get it out of my urine by this afternoon? please help me

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